2019 Winter NAMM: 5th California trip for The Guitar Channel
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Guitar Events – All the on-site video reports

Each time The Guitar Channel is covering an event like a fair or a festival, we record a live report which is then available later for replay. This allows all the guitar aficionados to live the event from the inside. Here are all those videos in one playlist. Here's the list of the events covered:

Holy Grail Guitar Show
Festival Guitare Issoudun
Guitares au Beffroi
Gear Evenings organized by The Guitar Channel
Factory Tour

Video reports playlist

During those events, interviews are recorded and available
through the Backstage Pass subscription.

Mark Lettieri interview during during 2017 NAMM X-Jamm concert

During the Winter NAMM 2017 the traditional X-Jamm concert organized by BMP Promotion took place. Mark Lettieri from Snarky Puppy was there to play with his trio some great tracks. Mark Lettieri interview Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

Taylor Guitars is one of the biggest guitar manufacturers in the world, as such this company has an important responsibility in terms of environment. For a long time the San Diego firm has a responsible policy to ensure its supply of wood for its production of instruments. Taylor Guitars has even hired Scott Paul as

Colt Westbrook interview from Walrus Audio during NAMM 2017

During the 2017 NAMM, The Guitar Channel had the opportunity to meet Colt Westbrook, CEO of Walrus Audio, American maker of boutique pedals.

Paul Reed Smith (@prsguitars) interview guitar in hand - 2017 Winter NAMM

The Guitar Channel is a fan of the PRS brand, period. I know it's a brand that's less fashionable than it used to be. It is true that the trend of ultra-flamed tables is not so strong. Nevertheless I think it is a brand that tries to renew itself without stopping. I hope they will find the second wind they deserve. It should not be forgotten that when PRS started, the American electric guitar industry had reached a truly calamitous level of quality and that Paul reversed the trend almost by himself.

Brian Wampler (@wamplerpedals) interview - 2017 Winter NAMM

It's becoming a well-established tradition to do an interview at the NAMM with Brian Wampler, boss of the pedals of the same name. Indeed, this is the third time that this happens. Not only are the Wampler pedals of excellent quality but in addition Brian is a businessman who does not hesitate to talk about his trade in a very open way.

2017 X-Jamm: interviews with Kumpel, Allen, Gales, Lettieri and concert images

During the NAMM 2017, Blue Mouth Promotions (www.bluemouthpromotions.com) hosted on Saturday January 21st 2017 a concert called the X-Jamm with a wonderful program:

Mark Lettieri (guitarist of Snarky Puppy who played with his trio)
Travis Larson
Cameron Allen
Teddy Kumpel
Andy Timmons
Mike Keneally
Tony Macalpine
Andy West

What a bunch of six string greats! A great opportunity for The Guitar Channel to do interviews right out of the stage.

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Mike Keneally interview – NAMM 2017

Mike Keneally is a unique musician who plays with Joe Satriani and who accompanied Steve Vai and Frank Zappa. He was visiting Winter NAMM 2017, here he is in an interview. Interview Mike Keneally Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

Tomo Fujita interview
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Tomo Fujita interview – NAMM 2017

Tomo Fujita was really one of the musician The Guitar Channel was anxious to meet during the 2017 Winter NAMM.

An interview to know all you need to know about Reverb.com

What better than to ask all the questions we have to one of the guy in charge at Reverb.com in order to understand better how this marketplace works?

2016 Winter NAMM - The Guitar Channel

Here're the interviews done during day 1 of the NAMM:

Justin (Elixir Strings)
Andy Powers (Taylor Guitars)
Scott Paul (Taylor Guitars)
Dave Brons

Thursday - Friday - Week-end

NAMM 2017 - Week-end interviews

Justin (Elixir Strings):

Andy Powers (Taylor Guitars):

Scott Paul (Taylor Guitars):

Dave Brons:

Justin from Elixir Strings:

Andy Powers (Taylor Guitars):

Scott Paul (Taylor Guitars):

Dave Brons:

Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar!


You want to watch the full video guitar magazine?

2016 Winter NAMM - The Guitar Channel
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NAMM 2017 wrap-up: 24 interviews to watch!

This year again the NAMM was incredibly rich for The Guitar Channel. Just take a look at the numbers below to be convinced.

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2016 Winter NAMM - The Guitar Channel

Here're the interviews done during day 1 of the NAMM:

Colt Westbrook (Walrus Audio)
Kevin Drost (Reverb.com)
Jake Shimabukuro
Mike Keneally
Rob Balducci

Thursday - Friday - Week-end

NAMM 2017 - Interviews day 2

Colt Westbrook (Walrus Audio):

Kevin Drost (Reverb.com):

Jake Shimabukuro:

Mike Keneally:

Rob Balducci:

Colt Westbrook (Walrus Audio):

Kevin Drost (Reverb.com):

Jake Shimabukuro:

Mike Keneally:

Rob Balducci:

Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar!


You want to watch the full video guitar magazine?

2016 Winter NAMM - The Guitar Channel
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NAMM 2017 – Interviews day 1: Fujita, Wampler, PRS

Here're the interviews done during day 1 of the NAMM:

Tomo Fujita
Brian Wampler
Paul Reed Smith

Thursday - Friday- Week-end

NAMM 2017 - Interviews day 1
Note: sorry for the not up to par sound quality due to an accidental change of a setting on my H2.
This was corrected for all the other interviews.

Tomo Fujita:

Brian Wampler:

Paul Reed Smith:

Tomo Fujita:

Brian Wampler:

Paul Reed Smith:

Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar!


You want to watch the full video guitar magazine?

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John Mayer presents his new PRS amp during the NAMM 2017

One of the important announcements of NAMM 2017 was the release of a new John Mayer 100W all tube amp by PRS. As a media The Guitar Channel was invited to the press conference. Usually I am not very fan of the exercise of the press conference as it is usually limited to basically reading a press release or pretty much so.

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NAMM 2017 – Video coverage via Snapchat replay

Here's the full Winter NAMM report from The Guitar Channel 100% shot with Snapchat on an iPhone 6s. It's quite amazing what you can do with just a smartphone nowadays! Few people use this very useful feature from the app: you can export to a video file your story when you want.

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2016 Winter NAMM - The Guitar Channel
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NAMM 2017: The Guitar Channel game plan

For a third consecutive year, The Guitar Channel will be present at the Winter NAMM which is held every year in Los Angeles in Anaheim.

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Bob Taylor and Pierre Journel - January 2016 - The Guitar Channel

While The Guitar Channel was in sunny California in January for the 2016 NAMM show, I took the opportunity to do an in-depth interview with Taylor Guitars president and co-founder.

Adam Miller interview during the 2016 NAMM
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Adam Miller interview during the 2016 NAMM

Here's the Adam Miller interview recorded during the 2016 Winter NAMM show. In 2014 I did an audio interview with Adam while he was in Paris, you can listen to it in this article.

Brian Wampler interview, founder of Wampler Pedals at the 2016 NAMM show

Here's a Brian Wampler interview done during the 2016 Winter NAMM show. It's always a pleasure to meet and interview Brian as he is very open about sharing information about his work in the pedal domain.

Wampler website: www.wamplerpedals.com
The 2016 NAMM Wampler booth

Brian Wampler interview

Add Brian Wampler (and me) on Snapchat
Brian Wampler is always ready to embrace new tools to engage with guitar aficionados. He is now on Snapchat, add him in your friend list, it's worth it.

Van Halen Rising: interview with the author Greg Renoff

As a big fan of Van Halen I had to read this book about the early years of the band. While at the 2016 Winter NAMM I took the opportunity to interview Greg Renoff, the author of Van Halen Rising.

The book website: www.vanhalenrising.com

Book review
No need to be an ultra fan of Van Halen to enjoy reading the book.

Paul Reed Smith interview at the 2016 Winter NAMM show
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Paul Reed Smith interview at the 2016 Winter NAMM show

Here's the Paul Reed Smith interview done during the 2016 Winter NAMM show. It's always with great pleasure that I meet and talk to Paul as he is one of the leader of the high-end guitar world. This encounter with the PRS Guitars founder was the 4th one.

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Josh Smith interview during the 2016 Winter NAMM

Here's Josh Smith interview during the 2016 Winter NAMM. I recently discovered this awesome musician by listening to the No Guitar Is Safe podcast by Jude Gold from the magazine Guitar Player.

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Mike Moreno at 2016 Winter NAMM

Here's a Mike Moreno interview done during the 2016 Winter NAMM. It is thanks to my official Jazz advisor Bruno Pelletier-Bacquaert that I contacted Mike.

BeatBuddy interview with the CEO David Packouz
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BeatBuddy interview with the CEO David Packouz

Here's a BeatBuddy interview with the CEO David Packouz

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Don Alder interview during the 2016 Winter NAMM

Here's Don Alder interview done during the 2016 Winter NAMM show on the Seymour Duncan booth. It's always a pleasure to meet and interview such a gifted musician who plays equally well a harp-guitar, a baritone or a regular folk guitar. We talked about his latest news and projects.

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Andy Timmons interview during the NAMM 2016
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Andy Timmons interview during the 2016 Winter NAMM

Here's an Andy Timmons interview done during the 2016 Winter NAMM. The Guitar Channel has been looking for a way to do an interview for a while now and it happened at Anaheim thanks to the introduction made through Blue Mouth Promotions.

NAMM 2016 week-end - Pure crazyness
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NAMM 2016 week-end – Pure craziness

NAMM 2016 week-end: crazy Saturday and Sunday! The organization is announcing around 100 000 visitors for this year edition so you can imagine the week-end is crazy busy.

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Andy Powers - Master Builder at Taylor Guitars

In this interview, meet Taylor Guitars master builder Andy Powers. Meeting and getting to talk with the luthier involved in the development of all the guitars at Taylor was very interesting to understand more how a huge player in the industry like Taylor operates. In fact Taylor builds around 600 guitars per day with an unsurpassed level of quality in the industry.

Taylor Guitars website: www.taylorguitars.com

Taylor master builder - Adam Powers interview
Here's the full interview with Adam Powers.

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Hofner Zane Carney interview at the 2016 Winter NAMM

The Hofner Zane Carney signature model was presented to Zane for the very first time during the NAMM 2016. Zane was super excited about the instrument during the interview. We took the opportunity to talk about his latest projects, his views on this NAMM, the upcoming album he is preparing and, of course, this brand new guitar. No doubt we will hear a lot about Zane during this year as he seems to be always working on several projects.