Michael Watts and Jason Kostal interview – A musician and his luthier
The American luthier Jason Kostal was one of the exhibitors of the Salon de la Belle Guitare of the Guitares au Beffroi 2017 festival. He was present in Montrouge with Michael Watts, a British professional guitarist who made the demos of Jason's guitars.
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A nice shred machine in video review with this Soul Renegade built by the French luthier Benoît Guilbert.
Soul Renegade video review
Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar!
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Gijs de Wit (www.dewitguitars.com) was one of the foreign luthiers exhibiting at the 2017 edition of the Guitares au Beffroi guitar show in Montrouge (right next to Paris). Gijs De Wit luthier interview Gijs de Wit luthier photo album Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre.
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Visit of the Alhambra Guitars manufacture in Muro de Alcoy, Spain
The Guitar Channel introduces you to the world of guitar manufacturing with this visit to the Alhambra (www.alhambrasl.com) production site, which has been producing its nylon and steel string guitars for over 50 years in Muro de Alcoy, 70km from Allicante in Spain. Alhambra is a well-known brand of nylon string guitar players, whether for classical music, flamenco or pop.
Video visit of the Alhambra Guitars manufacture
Manufacture photo album
The factory with a total area of 14,000 m2 employs 120 people.
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Thanks to luthier Isaac Jang who worked 10 years has an apprentice in her workshop, I was able to do this interview with one of the rare female luthier Kathy Wingert (www.wingertguitars.com) in her workshop.
Kathy Wingert luthier interview
Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar!
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I met Isaac Jang for the first time in Berlin during the 2016 Holy Grail Guitar Show in Berlin. Isaac was born in Korea and arrived in the US when he was 13. After being an apprentice with master luthier Kathy Wingert for 9 years, he setup his own shop to build his own high-end acoustic guitars. As he proposed me when we met in Germany, I contacted him while organizing the 2017 NAMM trip to see if he would actually be my guide in Los Angeles to help me discover the guitar places in that city.
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Here's Isaac Jang interview, luthier of wonderful acoustic guitars during the 2016 Holy Grail Guitar Show.
Isaac Jang interview
Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar!
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Peter Malinoski luthier interview at the Holy Grail Guitar Show
Here's an interview with Peter Malinoski an American luthier who has quite an imagination when it comes to guitar.
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Here's an interview with luthier Andrew Lowry during the Festival Guitare Issoudun in France.
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Jamie Gale is an important figure in the small world of high-end lutherie. He has been and still is the agent of some luthiers like Uli Teuffel, Nik Huber and others. The interview below was made during the 2016 edition of the Holy Grail Guitar Show in Berlin. Jamie Gale interview Until the next interview,
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Here's an interview with Hans Thorsten a luthier who has been building top quality guitars for several years under his brand Hans Guitars.
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Report of the Springer Guitars special events organized by The Guitar Channel
Regularly The Guitar Channel organizes special events to showcase guitar builders in a rehearsal studio where it is possible to both try the instrument in a real playing environment and exchange with the luthier. Last week-end saw two events like that with Springer Guitars as the main focus points. The luthier Mikaël Springer was there in person to engage with the guitar aficionados.
Video coverage
A 2min video to get an idea of the events:
Springer Guitar Gear Evening Nov.
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Here's an interview with Hans Geerdink a Dutch luthier who builds great electric and acoustic guitars under his brands JHG Guitars.
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Here's an interview with Jason Kostal an American luthier who has been building top quality acoustic guitars for several years.
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CAD and CNC as the Camera Obscura – By luthier Ulrich Teuffel
During the 2016 EGB (European Guitar Builders association) symposium, the luthier Ulrich Teuffel gave a conference about CAD and CNC as used in the guitar building domain. His conference was titled: CAD and CNC as the Camera Obscura.
The symposium took place during the two days prior to the 2016 edition of the Holy Grail Guitar Show.
Ulrich Teuffel website: www.teuffel.com
Introduction of the conference
For the industries CNC is just a production system.
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Day 2 of the Holy Grail Guitar Show 2016 was busy with a nice series of interviews that you can watch below. The first series of videos is online in this article. Day 2 interviews Thierry André, luthier from Québec, Canada (André Instruments) Isaac Jang, american luthier (Isaac Jang Guitars) Jamie Gale, luthier agent and consultant (Jamie Gale Music)
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MJS acoustic guitar J-78 built by luthier Godefroy Maruejouls
Here's a first on the show with a video review of an acoustic guitar, and one built by a luthier!
You want to know the point of view of the luthiers about the Holy Grail Guitar Show? Here's a compilation of the reactions from the builders during the 2016 edition with input from Jason Kostal, Nik Huber, Jamie Gale, Peter Malinoski, Sam Evans, Christina Kobler, Isaac Jang and Chris Larkin.
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As for the previous two editions of the Holy Grail Guitar Show, the level of lutherie was extremely high so doing a selection among the 135 luthiers exhibiting was quite a challenge.
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Simon Ghnassia is a guitar player who ordered not one, not two but three Telecaster type guitars from the same luthier Didier Duboscq (Eden Lutherie).
Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed
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Here's Tobias Lund interview, luthier for TLL Guitars during the Holy Grail Guitar Show in 2015 where he was one of the exhibitor. Tobias website: www.tllguitars.com Tobias Lund interview (TLL guitars) during the Holy Grail Guitar Show Until the next interview from the Holy Grail Guitar Show or elsewhere, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]
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Luthier Sharleen Simmons interview at the Holy Grail Guitar Show
Here's a luthier Sharleen Simmons interview recorded during the 2015 Holy Grail Guitar Show.
Sharleen Simmons website: www.simmonscustomguitars.com
Luthier Sharleen Simmons interview during the Holy Grail Guitar Show
Until the next interview from the Holy Grail Guitar Show or elsewhere, keep on playing the guitar!
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Last year while The Guitar Channel was in Canada to cover the Montreal Jazz festival, we did a video interview with the master luthier Michael Greenfield in his wonderful workshop. This year, the idea was to record a series of Luthier Chronicle with Michael to give a full visit of his luthier workshop and to have a better idea of the way he build his wonderful acoustic guitars.
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Francisco Rodriguez is a luthier I met at the 2015 Holy Grail Guitar Show. It happens he is not only a luthier but also a guitar tech once in a while. So he gets the experience of maintaining and managing the guitars he built on the road. Francisco is the guitar tech for the Dire Straits tribute band Brothers in band.
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Luthier Rainer Tausch interview during the Holy Grail Guitar Show
Here's luthier Rainer Tausch interview done during the 2015 edition of the Holy Grail Guitar Show where he was exhibiting.
Rainer website: www.tausch-guitars.de
Luthier Rainer Tausch interview during the @HolyGrailGuitar Show
Until the next interview from the Holy Grail Guitar Show or elsewhere, keep on playing the guitar!
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Last year while The Guitar Channel was in Canada to cover the Montreal Jazz festival, we did a video interview with the master luthier Michael Greenfield in his wonderful workshop. This year, the idea was to record a series of Luthier Chronicle with Michael to give a full visit of his luthier workshop and to have a better idea of the way he build his wonderful acoustic guitars.
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Here's luthier Peggy White interview who studied with Linda Manzer.
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Last year while The Guitar Channel was in Canada to cover the Montreal Jazz festival, we did a video interview with the master luthier Michael Greenfield in his wonderful workshop.
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Here's a Japanese luthier Kaz Goto interview from Jersey Girl Homemade Guitars done during the Holy Grail Guitar Show in 2015.
Jersey Girl Homemade Guitars website: www.jerseygirlhg.com
Kaz Goto interview - Jersey Girl Homemade Guitars at the @HolyGrailGuitar show
Until the next interview from the Holy Grail Guitar Show or elsewhere, keep on playing the guitar!
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Last year while The Guitar Channel was in Canada to cover the Montreal Jazz festival, we did a video interview with the master luthier Michael Greenfield in his wonderful workshop.
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