Kathy Wingert and Isaac Jang double luthier interview
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Kathy Wingert and Isaac Jang double luthier interview

I met the luthier Isaac Jang in Berlin during the Holy Grail Guitar Show, one year later he was my guide in Los Angeles for 2 days to make me meet a lot of people including Kathy Wingert, also luthier, where he learned his trade for 10 years. This is an interview in Kathy's workshop with

Kathy Wingert luthier interview in her Los Angeles workshop

Thanks to luthier Isaac Jang who worked 10 years has an apprentice in her workshop, I was able to do this interview with one of the rare female luthier Kathy Wingert (www.wingertguitars.com) in her workshop.

Kathy Wingert luthier interview

Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar!


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