Sammy Boller interview at the Friedman booth at NAMM 2020

Already met in 2019 during the Friedman amp and guitar promotion tour in Paris, Sammy Boller ( was one of the booth demonstrators at NAMM 2020. It was an opportunity to talk a little more about the music he just released in an album called Kingdom of the Sun. Sammy Boller interview The Guitar Channel

Right after Winter NAMM 2020, I had the opportunity to have a tour of the Huntington Park facility where the Friedman amps ( are built. Furthermore, my private guide was Dave Friedman himself. Pretty cool. The full version of the article includes the full length video as well as a complete photo album. This Boutique

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Vega Trem, interview on the 2020 Winter NAMM show floor

Andrès is a member of the Spanish team which produces a great vibrato called the Vega Trem ( We recorded this interview on the 2020 Winter NAMM show floor to talk about this piece of hardware which created quite a lot of buzz during the show. Vega Trem interview with Andrès Until the next interview,

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Bruce Forman Jazz guitar player interview - NAMM 2020

I discovered Bruce Forman by listening to Guitar Wank (, the podcast he co-hosts with Scott Henderson and Troy McCubbin. It was a lot of fun to actually meet him and record this interview during NAMM 2020. Bruce Forman interview The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast

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Winter NAMM 2020 – Day 4 – Vlog January 19th

All good things come to an end ! Sunday is the last day of NAMM, paradoxically it is also probably one of the most pleasant because there are a lot less people, the exhibitors are more relaxed because the professional meetings are over, hence a more relaxed atmosphere . This is the last episode of

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Winter NAMM 2020 – Day 3 – Vlog January 18th

The biggest day of NAMM with maximum attendance. Huge day also for me regarding the interviews since I made no less than 14 including those recorded during the X-JAMM concert. Here is an episode of video blogging to relive this day when the sun was radiant. Interviews of the day Julien Bitoun Paul Reed Smith

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Winter NAMM 2020 - Day 2 - Vlog January 17th
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Winter NAMM 2020 – Day 2 – Vlog January 17th

Another great day at NAMM with a great series of interviews, including one with Jared James Nichols who is bursting with an incredible level of energy. Here is a new episode of the video blogging from Sunny California! Interviews of the day Andy Powers from Taylor Guitars Kingsley Durant Jared James Nichols Jim De Luca

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Winter NAMM 2020 – Day 1 – Vlog January 16th

This time, this is for good! The Winter NAMM 2020 has officially started. Here is day 1 in a full video blogging episode. Interviews of the day Jude Gold, Jefferson Starship guitar okayer and No Guitar Is Safe host Kim Bjørn, co-autor of the excellent book Pedal Crush Hanitra and Jean-Marc Bontemps Andrea - Dophix,

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Winter NAMM 2020 - Installation of the show - Vlog January 15th

For the first time since The Guitar Channel started to come to Los Angeles for NAMM, I would like to show you the installation of this gigantic show. It is quite fascinating to see the set up of all the booths. Some are already ready, others will be working very late this evening to finish

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In the series of factory tour videos, The Guitar Channel invites you to discover the Fender factory in Corona in the suburbs of Los Angeles. A unique opportunity to discover the place where all American Fender guitars are made, whether for standard models, Custom Shop and Masterbuilt. Fender factory visit in Corona Until the next

Winter NAMM 2019 - The Guitar Channel debrief

For the sixth year, The Guitar Channel will be present at the Winter NAMM ( which is held like in Los Angeles in Anaheim. The archives of previous years are in this list of articles. The Winter NAMM is the trade show that brings together each year in January the entire world of the musical

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Juha Ruokangas interview - Valvebucker presentation - NAMM 2019

In the field of high-end lutherie, one of the big novelties presented at the NAMM was the Valvebucker, this tube pickup developed by the Finnish luthier Juha Ruokangas. In 2014, at the Holy Grail Guitar Show in Berlin, Juha had presented a prototype of this microphone in the Nemo guitar, finally the version released 5

Ola Strandberg interview - Winter NAMM 2019
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Ola Strandberg interview – Winter NAMM 2019

Met for the first time in 2013 for an interview at Musikmesse, the 2019 edition of Winter NAMM was an opportunity to redo a video with Ola Standberg, the designer of Strandberg Guitars designed in Sweden. The big news for Strandberg was the bass launch, we talk about that and many other things in this

Andy Powers interview - Taylor Grand Pacific model launch

2019 is the year for Taylor Guitars to launch at NAMM a new model under the name Grand Pacific. This is Taylor Guitars reinterpretation of the Dreadnaught form with the brand new V-Class dam system introduced last year. Master builder Andy Powers tells us all about this new guitar. Andy Powers interview Until the next

Troy MacCubbin interview - Guitar Wank podcast co-host - 2019 Winter NAMM

I am a long-time fan of the Guitar Wank podcast which is hosted by Scott Henderson, Bruce Forman and Troy MacCubbin. That's why I was happy to meet Troy at this NAMM 2019. Troy MacCubbin interview namm Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

Fred Greene interview - Chief Product Officer at Martin Guitars

The 2019 edition of Winter NAMM was a unique opportunity to meet the Chief Product Officer of legendary guitar brand Martin Guitars, Fred Greene. By and large all new model developments go through this gentleman including when John Mayer has an idea of a new signature model. As much to tell you that this interview

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Paul Reed Smith interview - 2019 Winter NAMM
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Paul Reed Smith interview – 2019 Winter NAMM

As always the big boss of PRS Guitars, founder Paul Reed Smith was on the booth of his brand in the upper floors of the Anaheim Convention Center for the 2019 edition of the Winter NAMM. Paul Reed Smith interview Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

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NAMM 2019 debrief - Luthier Isaac Jang interview

It's always interesting to have feedback from a NAMM exhibitor, especially from a craftsman like the Korean-born luthier Isaac Jang, who produces about 10 guitars a year. This video was recorded in Isaac's studio, which is 30m from the famous Hollywood Boulevard and its famous Walk of Fame. Please note that a workshop visit was

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Rhonda Smith interview - Prince and Jeff Beck bass player - 2019 Winter NAMM

Unfortunately, it is not often that we have the opportunity to meet women musicians and even rarer when they play bass! The 2019 Winter NAMM was an opportunity to meet Rhonda Smith at the PRS booth who played for Prince and Jeff Beck. Rhonda Smith interview Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar!

Brian Wampler interview - Wampler Pedals - 2019 Winter NAMM

The 2019 edition of Winter NAMM was an opportunity to interview again Brian Wampler, the founder and creator of the Wampler pedals. There were a lot of new products in its range including the Terraform and Pantheon pedals. Brian Wampler interview The brand new Terraform pedal launched at NAMM: Until the next interview, keep on

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Dave Friedman interview - Friedman Amps - 2019 Winter NAMM

Dave Friedman of Friedman Amps is a great gentleman in the world of amps and more recently that of pedals and guitars. The Guitar Channel offers you an interview with him in his booth full of amps during the 2019 Winter NAMM. Dave Friedman interview Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre

Hendrik Müller interview - The Musikmesse at the NAMM 2019

The marketing director of the Musikmesse, Hendrik Müller, was present at NAMM 2019 as an exhibitor. He explains in the interview below why he is there and what can be expected for the 2019 edition of the Frankfurt music show. Hendrik Müller interview Please note that the Musikmesse is a pro partner on The

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Tim Pierce interview - Session guitar player and youtuber - 2019 Winter NAMM

The Guitar Channel is very happy to present you an interview with Tim Pierce, well known studio guitarist and successful youtuber. Last year during NAMM I just had a selfie with him, this time we made a video! Tim Pierce interview   Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

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Oz Noy interview - 2019 Winter NAMM
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Oz Noy interview – 2019 Winter NAMM

The 2019 edition of Winter NAMM is an opportunity to meet in real life the huge musician Oz Noy interviewed for the first time in audio in 2015 via Skype. This time it was in the basement of the Anaheim Hilton that we recorded this video. Oz Noy interview Until the next interview, keep on

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Curtis Fornadley interview - Musician and Tone Wizards book author - 2019 Winter NAMM

Curtis Fornadley is a guitarist who wrote a great book called Tone Wizards (reviewed in this article) and that The Guitar Channel had the pleasure to meet at the 2019 Winter NAMM. Curtis Fornadley interview Curtis has released in 2017 an excellent album called Resonance: Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel.

Allen Hinds interview - NAMM 2019
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Allen Hinds interview – Winter NAMM 2019

Meeting and interviewing guitarist Allen Hinds during this 2019 NAMM was one of the priority objectives of this Californian trip. This objective was reached through the French musician Kamil Rustam who has been working in Los Angeles for the past 23 years and who is Allen's friend (thank you Kamil!). Allen Hinds interview Until the

Interview Kruno et Tom des pédales Drybell - NAMM 2019

The 2019 Winter NAMM was an opportunity to do an interview with Kruno and Tom who are part of the team from Drybell pedals that make the famous Vibe Machine and the Unit67 pedals. Interview with the Drybell team Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

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NAMM 2019 interviews - Day 4

Sunday at the NAMM is clearly the end of the show, most journalists have already left (but not The Guitar Channel of course, always faithful to the post!). It was nevertheless the occasion of several business meetings and three interviews Interviews of the day Ola Strandberg Debrief Julien Bitoun Debrief Les Sondiers Until the next

The wildest day of the Winter NAMM is always Saturday. It did not stop The Guitar Channel to shoot 8 (yes eight !) interviews with many incredible guests, notably a 20min video with the one and only Allen Hinds! Interviews of the day Hendrik Müller - Musikmesse Tim Pierce Curtis Fornadley - Tone Wizards Allen

A very intense second day at NAMM 2019 with 5 interviews mainly in the field of gear because those interviews are about of Friedman amps, Wampler and Drybell pedals and Martin guitars. And to finish one of the three animators of the excellent Guitar Wank podcast. Interviews of the day Dave Friedman Kruno and Tom