Sound Messe 2023 Day 1: Setup & Buyer's Day at the Osaka guitar show in Japan

The Sound Messe ( is a guitar show held in Osaka, Japan every year, apart from the worries due to the pandemic. 2023 is the 10th anniversary of this show which is the only show of this size dedicated to guitar in Japan. After a first trip to the Land of the Rising Sun in

MIGS 2023 - Day 3 report : 1h video, 3 interviews and 6 guitars tested

The weather was a bit less beautiful but the final day was a great one for this Sunday, May 7, 2023 at the Montreux International Guitar Show (! On the show, more than 2 hours of video report, 3 interviews and 6 guitars of luthiers demoed on The Guitar Channel booth. Interviews of the day

MIGS 2023 - Day 1 report and interviews

The Montreux International Guitar Show ( 2023 edition opened its doors on this beautiful Friday, May 5, 2023 on the shores of the always splendid Lake Geneva. Just like last year, The Guitar Channel was on site to bring you the guitar event via a 45min video report and 3 interviews. Big news for this

NAMM 2023 Day 3 report and interviews
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NAMM 2023 Day 3 report and interviews

Here is the report and the interviews for the final day of the NAMM 2023. Yes it is yet another transition NAMM Show before it moves back to its January slot in 2024 and yes it was another wonderful edition, like in 2022. Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 NAMM 2023 Day 3

2022 SHG Music Show interviews and report of the Milano guitar show

For the second year in a row, The Guitar Channel went to Milano, Italy to cover the SHG Music Show (, which offers an original cocktail of brand-name guitars, new, used and Vintage, as well as luthiers and pedal and amp manufacturers. Here is the video report from this magnificent Italian city which is Milano!

The 4th edition of the Festival Guitare de Puteaux took place from October 7th until the 9th 2022. Since its creation in 2017, the guitar show part of the festival is organized by The Guitar Channel. Here is below a 4min video blog to have a good idea of what went down during this awesome

Toulouse guitar show, video report during the Internationales de la Guitare festival 2022

The Internationales de la Guitare de Toulouse ( is a festival who has been active for 25 years. It also features a guitar show where I usually go every year to cover the event. Here is the video report for the 2022 editions. Toulouse guitar show report Until the next report or interview, keep on

Here is the report for Day 3 of the Guitar Summit 2022. Stéphane Bertrand, special correspondent of The Guitar Channel in Mannheim, went to the Rosengarten to make this video report. Reports: Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday Guitar Summit 2022 Sunday report Until the next video report or interview, keep on playing the

Guitar Summit 2022, Day 2 report from our special correspondent in Germany

Here is the report for Day 2 day of the Guitar Summit 2022. Stéphane Bertrand, special correspondent of The Guitar Channel in Mannheim, went to the Rosengarten to make this video video report. Reports: Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday Guitar Summit 2022 Saturday report Until the next video report or interview, keep on

Guitar Summit 2022, Friday report from our special correspondent in Germany

Here is the first complete report for this opening day of the Guitar Summit 2022. Stéphane Bertrand, special correspondent of The Guitar Channel in Mannheim, went to the Rosengarten to make this video report. Reports: Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday The photo album is in that article. Guitar Summit 2022 Friday report Until

Guitar Summit 2022, Thursday report by our special correspondent Stéphane!

Great first for The Guitar Channel because of a wedding in my family this weekend, I send a special correspondent in my place to cover this 2022 edition of the Guitar Summit (! It is therefore Stéphane Bertrand, whom I warmly thank in passing, who will report on this German guitar show that has become

42 Gear Street, video report and interviews of day 3 and debriefing #42GSFour

This is the report and interviews from Saturday, August 20, 2022, the third day of Henning Pauly's 42 Gear Street event in his village of Weilburg, 60 km from Frankfurt. As it is the last day where The Guitar Channel is present on site, I make a debriefing of this German stay. Spoiler : it

42 Gear Street, full video report and interviews of the second day of the event #42GSFour

As intense and tiring as the first day was, Friday, August 19, 2022 was a blast. Everyone is starting to find their marks, all 3 studios are shooting videos at full speed for this 42 Gear Street event! Summary of the full article reserved for premium subscribers : 42 Gear Street - Day 2 report

42 Gear Street, full video report and interviews of the first day of the event

Thursday, August 18, 2022 was the first official day of the 42 Gear Street event. Henning Pauly called this day the "brand day". This means that the brands book the studios with the people they want to present the products. So I found myself in two videos, one organized by Andy Ferris aka The Guitar

42 Gear Street, launch of the Henning Pauly event and full visit of the amazing video studios

Just back from vacation, I'm back on the road with my camera in hand to answer the invitation of German youtuber Henning Pauly (aka EytschPi42 on YouTube). Here is the report of the launch of the 42 Gear Street event which officially starts tomorrow until Sunday. Summary of this article: 42 Gear Street vlog of

Mike Stern in top form: report, interviews, sound check and concert excerpts

Mike Stern ( was in France for two concerts, one at the superb Théâtre des 2 Rives in Charenton, near Paris, and one at the Guitaralde festival in Hendaye (, organized by Jean-Marie Ecay. Already met in Canada during the 2018 Montreal Jazz Festival, I was delighted to meet Mike Stern again. Here is the

NAMM 2022 - Full video and photo report of the Sunday

As the NAMM 2022 was only 3 days long, Sunday was the third and last day of the show. Here is the full report in photo and video of this day at the Anaheim Convention Center. The interviewees of the day are Jamie Gale, curator of the Boutique Guitar Showcase and Bryan Galloup. Sunday at

NAMM 2022 - Full video and photo report of the Saturday

Saturday at the NAMM 2022 was an amazing with a lot of visitors. It felt really good to see this joyous crowd throughly enjoying the guitar show! No less than thirteen interviews to bring you the information straight from the show floor. NAMM 2022 Saturday report Interviewees of the day Until the next video report

Black Volt Amplification, Giovanni Loria interview during the NAMM

Against all expectations (at least for some people, but except me!) this first day of the NAMM 2022 post-pandemic version was great! A lot of people from 10:00 in the morning until closing time. On the content side, no less than 11 interviews to be found in the report below. NAMM 2022 - Day 1

NAMM 2022 - Report of the day before the opening

First video report of the series dedicated to the NAMM 2022 which takes place this year from June 3 to 5 in Anaheim. The trip from Paris, France to Los Angeles is so very long with its 11 plus hour of flight and the Los Angeles traffic to go through to reach Anaheim from LAX

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Guitar Show Padova 2022: photo and video report for Sunday

Another great day in Italy for the end of this weekend in Padova for the Guitar Show (! A nice set of interviews that will be published later in long version as well as views in the show's aisles and demo concerts. Forza Italia! Interviews of the day: Sunday in Padova at the Guitar Show

Guitar Show Padova 2022: photo and video report for Saturday

The Guitar Show of Padua is held over two days, on the weekend. Here is the video report of more than half an hour to see and hear everything about this beautiful and very well organized Italian guitar event. The weather was great, almost too hot but we can't complain because the temperature in the

Guitar Show Padova 2022 : setup day in Italy
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Guitar Show Padova 2022 : setup day in Italy

For the second year in a row, The Guitar Channel is in Padova, near Venice, to cover the Guitar Show ( with a camera. I had liked the 2021 vintage which was one of the very first guitar events to take the gamble of launching after the 2020/2021 pandemic. So I am very happy to

MIGS 2022 - Last day at the Montreux guitar show !

Third and last day for the Montreux guitar show, the MIGS. Still a great attendance, maybe a little bit less than yesterday but just as much pleasure to discuss music and guitar with all the visitors, luthiers and musicians! Here is the video report. MIGS - Sunday May 1st 2022 Until the next video report

Saturday April 30th, 2022 was the beginning of the week-end at the Montreux International Guitar Show ( Yesterday saw a huge crowd and it was the same or even better today! Here is the full video report of a day of pure awesomeness! MIGS - Saturday April 30th 2022 Until the next video blogging or

MIGS 2022 - First day of the first edition of the Montreux Guitar Show

Friday April 29, 2022 is a historical date for the Montreux International Guitar Show ( since it was the very first day of the opening of this first edition of the event! And it was a great day with a lot of visitors as soon as it opened to the public. Here is more than

MIGS 2022 - Installation of the first edition of the guitar show in Montreux, Switzerland

Here it is! After a few postponements due to the pandemic, this time it's the good one, the Montreux International Guitar Show, the MIGS for short ( will hold its first edition from April 29th to May 1st 2022. Here is the report of the trip to Switzerland and the installation of the guitar show

Mostra Wandré guitars exhibition, SHG Music Show 2021 in Milano, Italy

As part of the SHG Music Show, there was an awesome exhibition of 50 guitars from Mostra Wandré. Here is the video visit of this exhibition with an interview with Marco Ballestri ( who wrote a great book about Wandré guitars. Wandré guitars exhibition in Milano Until the next video blogging report or interview, keep

SHG Music Show, full photo and video report of this awesome guitar show in Milano, Italy

For the first time The Guitar Channel went to Milano, Italy to cover the SHG Music Show ( I was very pleased because it was a super awesome guitar show. There were a lot of very interesting exhibitors with boutique manufacturers of guitars and pedals and dealers of used and vintage instruments. The schedule of

Video coverage of the Toulouse guitar show as part of the festival

The festival Internationales de la Guitare in Toulouse ( includes a guitar show where The Guitar Channel once again took its cameras and microphone to let you experience the event from the inside. This year's great novelty was a new location with a beautiful exhibition space that was up to the ambitions of the show.