Cesco's Corner, interview with Francesco Balossino, major Italian collector of Vintage guitars

The great Italian Vintage guitar collector Francesco Balossino of Cesco's Corner (cescoscornerguitars.com) was one of the important exhibitors of the SHG Music Show in Milan 2022. In fact, he occupied a good part of the Vintage Vault, a large room entirely dedicated to the American Vintage guitar and also to Wandré guitars. Here's an in-depth

2022 SHG Music Show interviews and report of the Milano guitar show

For the second year in a row, The Guitar Channel went to Milano, Italy to cover the SHG Music Show (shgmusicshow.it), which offers an original cocktail of brand-name guitars, new, used and Vintage, as well as luthiers and pedal and amp manufacturers. Here is the video report from this magnificent Italian city which is Milano!