Thomas Jones interview from TV Jones at the Holy Grail Guitar Show

During the 2016 Holy Grail Guitar Show I had the pleasure to do an interview with Thomas Jones from TV Jones ( Yes, Thomas is a worldwide pickup builder but also an awesome guitar maker, hence his presence at this prestigious guitar show in Berlin, Germany. Thomas Jones interview Until the next interview, keep on

Isaac Jang ( is an American luthier based in Los Angeles who recently moved to a new workshop in the South Pasadena area. During this live interview he showed us around his new working space, talked about his very last build and about his work as a high end boutique acoustic guitar builder. Isaac Jang

The boutique guitar builder Michael Spalt ( was the guest of this live interview from Vienna, Austria where he has his workshop. As there are three of his instruments at the moment in the showroom of The Guitar Channel in Paris, France we made a detailed visit of those guitars and talked about the current

Featured in the showroom: 3 Spalt Instruments guitars by luthier Michael Spalt

As part of the service proposed to boutique guitar builders to exhibit and try out instruments in the private showroom of The Guitar Channel in Paris, France I am very pleased to present a trio of Spalt Instruments guitars ( by luthier Michael Spalt : Gate Guitar #047 G2002 Octopus Totem X.2 X7 Presentation of

Gate Guitar #047 from Spalt Instruments - Twitch review

The video below was recorded in one take during a live broadcast on my Twitch channel ( during a demo of the awesome Gate Guitar #047 from Austrian boutique guitar builder Michael Spalt (Spalt Instruments). Only the playing sequences were kept for the edit of this 5min video review. 5min demo of the Spalt Gate

The 2020 Boutique Guitar Showcase ( tour curated by Jamie Gale made its French stop at Guitare Village, a guitar store located 30min North from Paris by train. At a time when guitar shows have disappeared from the face of the earth, it was nice to see about thirty instruments from American and European luthiers.

As part of the lockdown Stay-at-Home period linked to the Coronavirus, this is one of the live interviews freely broadcasted to highlight musicians and other music pros impacted by this situation. Live Interviews Schedule Saku Vuori master luthier from Finland for Vuorensaku Guitars Here is a replay of a live interview recorded via FaceTime during

Juha Ruokangas master guitar builder lockdown interview from Finland

As part of the lockdown Stay-at-Home period linked to the Coronavirus, this is one of the live interviews freely broadcasted to highlight musicians and other music pros impacted by this situation. Live Interviews Schedule Juha Ruokangas interview Juha Ruokangas is the mastermind and luthier behind Ruokangas Guitars. He was the guest of this lockdown interview

Claudia and Claudio Pagelli ( should have been in Berlin, Germany for the grand finale of the Holy Grail Guitar Show ( but the Coronavirus pandemic decided otherwise. So it was via FaceTime that we made this visit to their luthier workshop in Switzerland. They did a presentation of the guitars they were to bring

Leo Buendia ( was one of the guitar builder who should have been in Berlin this week-end to exhibit during the Holy Grail Guitar Show ( which was cancelled because of the Covid19 pandemic. The physical show was replaced by the Holy Couch Guitar Show with plenty of online activities across the world. This FaceTime

Selecting woods for electric guitars by luthier Avi Shabat

In this new luthier chronicle, the Los Angeles based guitar builder Avi Shabat explains which woods he uses and how he selects them to obtain the results he wants. Guitar building is like cooking, if you want to get good results, you have to use high quality ingredients. Luthier Avi Shabat interview about woods The

Luthier Avi Shabat talks about how he build guitars
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Luthier Avi Shabat talks about how he build guitars

In this new luthier chronicle, the Los Angeles based guitar builder Avi Shabat ( explains how he started to build guitars and talks about his building methods to achieve the high quality of his electric guitars. Avi Shabat talks about his guitar building methods The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available

Avi Shabat luthier interview about exhibiting at NAMM as a boutique builder

Avi Shabat ( is an Israël born luthier who now lives and builds high-end electric guitars in the Los Angeles area. In this interview recorded in his workshop, he does a full debrief of the 2020 Winter NAMM where he exhibited. Avi Shabat luthier interview The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video

Luthier Stephen Marchione and Jazz guitar player Mike Moreno interview

During the Winter NAMM 2020, I had the pleasure to record a double interview in the series "A Musician and His Luthier" with guitar master builder Stephen Marchione ( and Jazz guitar player extraordinaire Mike Moreno ( Stephen introduced a new super model called the 69 at the show. Stephen Marchione and Mike Moreno interview

David Solé Arbues luthier interview - Leno Guitars - Madrid Luthier Guitar Show 2019

David Solé is one of the luthiers I met during the 2019 edition of the Luthier Guitar Show in Madrid. He builds superb acoustic guitars under the Leno Guitars brand ( Here he is in an interview! David Solé Arbues interview Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

Rikkers Guitars Ferdinand Rikkers luthier interview - Madrid Luthier Guitar Show 2019

Ferdinand Rikkers is one of the two luthiers with Jacco Stuitje behind the boutique instruments of Rikkers Guitars ( He was in Madrid for the Luthier Guitar Show 2019 edition, here he is in an interview to present a superb bass from his design. Ferdinand Rikkers luthier interview Until the next interview, keep on playing

Rikkers Guitars Jacco Stuitje luthier interview - Madrid Luthier Guitar Show 2019

Jacco Stuitje is a luthier from the Netherlands who is associated with Ferdinand Rikkers to make guitars and basses under the name of Rikkers Guitars ( Jacco is also very involved in the EGB, the European association of luthiers which is very active and very effective. This is an interview in Madrid during the Luthier

Soultool Guitars, Egon Rauscher luthier interview with an intriguing new guitar

During the Guitar Summit 2019 the Swiss luthier Egon Rauscher exhibited his SoulTool ( instruments including a very intriguing guitar that he came to present in interview. With this new model, it is possible to change the mass of the guitar as well as its frequency response by using discs in a different metals or

Ralph Bonte luthier interview - Arrenbie Guitars at the 2019 Madrid guitar show

The Belgian luthier Ralph Bonte was one of the exhibitors of the Luthier Guitar Show in Madrid where he presented very beautiful instruments made in Bruges in Belgium under his brand Arrenbie Guitars ( Ralph Bonte luthier interview Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

Luis Guerrero luthier interview, acoustic guitar builder - Madrid Luthier Guitar Show 2019

Luis Guerrero ( was one of the Spanish luthiers who exhibited at the Luthier Guitar Show in Madrid. Luis makes beautiful acoustic guitars with very elegant lines. Luis Guerrero interview Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

Albert Morillo luthier interview - AMS Guitars
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Albert Morillo luthier interview – AMS Guitars

Albert Morillo from AMS Guitars ( was one of the Spanish guitar builders who exhibited at the Luthier Guitar Show in Madrid, here he is in interview. Albert Morillo luthier interview Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

Madrid Luthier Guitar Show - Video report for day 1

Here is an interview with the luthier Fran Rodriguez who builds electric guitars under his brand FranFret and who is also one of the organizer of the Luthier Guitar Show ( in Spain, Madrid. Fran Rodriguez interview Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

Claudio Pagelli luthier interview - Switzerland lutherie genius with his wife Claudia

Interview with the Swiss luthier Claudio Pagelli who builds gorgeous and very original guitars with his wife Claudia. Here's the video recorded during the 2019 edition of the Guitar Summit in Mannheim, Germany. Claudio Pagelli luthier interview The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and

Saku Vuori luthier interview at the 2019 Guitar Summit with some cool offset guitars

At the 2019 Guitar Summit there were many boutique guitar builders luthiers among the major brands of guitars. The Finnish luthier Saku Vuori ( was one of them. This is his interview on the The Guitar Channel booth to talk about one of his brand new offset instruments. Saku Vuori luthier interview Until the next

DejaWu Guitars at the 2019 Guitar Summit, interview with Derk Jan Lievers

Derk Jan Lievers was of one the exhibitor at the 2019 Guitar Summit in Mannheim, Germany. He has a unique business with DejaWu Guitars ( where he builds very cool high quality guitars in collaboration with a Chinese team. This is not your typical Chinese business producing entry level instrument. We are talking here about

Sunday is usually a quieter day than Saturday for the guitar shows but it seems that this rule of thumb does not apply in Spain. In fact the second day of the Luthier Guitar Show ( was very busy almost right from the start until the end. Interviews of the day Luciano Ponzio - Don

Madrid Luthier Guitar Show - Video report for day 1

Here is the report in Video Blogging mode of the first day of the Luthier Guitar Show ( in Madrid. Second edition of this event gathering acoustic and electric luthiers from all over Spain but also from all over Europe. Interviews of the day Fran Rodriguez Sascha Greuter AMS Guitars Luis Guerrero Ralph Bonte Jacco

Matthieu Humbert interview - Melophonic's guitars and lap-steels at the 2019 Guitar Summit

Interview with Matthieu Humbert who is the French luthier behind Melophonic's ( guitars and lap-steels at the 2019 Guitar Summit in Mannheim, Germany. Matthieu Humbert interview - Melophonic's The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: Until the next interview, keep on playing the

Guitar Summit 2019 - Day 2: guitars, guitars and more guitars!

The big day of Guitar Summit is definitely Saturday, there was already the queue in front of the Rosen Garten at 10:30am while the show opened at only at 11:00am. Program of the day: Mathieu Humbert - Melophonics Egon Rauscher - SoulTool Guitars Claudio Pagelli Saku Vuori Jol Burger Guitar Summit 2019 - Day 2

Hiroshi Ogino luthier interview - 2019 Sound Messe Osaka

Hiroshi Ogino ( is one of the Japanese luthiers who exhibited at the Sound Messe Osaka show in 2019. Here is an interview with this talented craftsman. Hiroshi Ogino luthier interview Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]