Julia Hofer and Ferdinand Rikkers interview - EGB Community Build

On the occasion of the Holy Grail Guitar Show in 2018, the European Guitar Builders (europeanguitarbuilders.com) association launched a project to build instruments for several female musicians. Here is the interview with bassist Julia Hofer and luthier Ferdinand Rikkers (rikkersgitaarbouw.nl) to talk about the bass designed and built in the framework of this EGB Community

Rikkers Guitars Ferdinand Rikkers luthier interview - Madrid Luthier Guitar Show 2019

Ferdinand Rikkers is one of the two luthiers with Jacco Stuitje behind the boutique instruments of Rikkers Guitars (rikkersgitaarbouw.nl). He was in Madrid for the Luthier Guitar Show 2019 edition, here he is in an interview to present a superb bass from his design. Ferdinand Rikkers luthier interview Until the next interview, keep on playing