LNA FX pedals - Presentation an demo by Marwan Boulaïd in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of four pedals guitars by LNA FX (lnafx.com) by musician Marwan Boulaïd (marwanboulaidmusic.com) in the presence of the builder Stéphane Ellena. TM Lutherie demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the

TED Guitars - Presentation an demo by Marwan Boulaïd in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of two guitars by TED Guitars (tedguitars.fr) by musician Marwan Boulaïd (marwanboulaidmusic.com) in the presence of luthier Thierry Le Guenne. Configuration: TED Guitars demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the

TM Lutherie - Presentation an demo by Marwan Boulaïd in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of two guitars by TM Lutherie (tmlutherie.fr) by musician Marwan Boulaïd (marwanboulaidmusic.com) in the presence of luthier Thomas Meuret. TM Lutherie demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the demo concerts

Kopo Guitar - Presentation and demo by Hugo Martin in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of two instruments by Kopo Guitar (kopo.fr) by musician Hugo Martin (coursdeguitaremoderne.fr) in the presence of luthier Fred Pons. Configuration: Kopo Guitar demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the demo

Lame Horse Instruments - Presentation an demo by Hugo Martin in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of a Lame Horse Instruments (lamehorse.net) guitar by musician Hugo Martin (coursdeguitaremoderne.fr) in the presence of luthier Chris Jenkins. Lame Horse Instruments demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the demo

Guitare & Création - Presentation an demo by Marwan Boulaïd in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of an instrument by Guitare & Création (guitare-et-creation.fr) by musician Marwan Boulaïd (marwanboulaidmusic.com) in the presence of luthier Hervé Bérardet. Guitare & Création demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the

Dejardin Guitare - Presentation an demo by Hugo Martin in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of two Dejardin Guitare (dejardinguitare.be) by musician Hugo Martin (coursdeguitaremoderne.fr) in the presence of luthier Ghislain Dejardin. Dejardin Guitare demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the demo concerts As always,

Guitares Berdah - Instruments presentation an demo by Hugo Martin

Presentation and demonstration of two Guitares Berdah (guitaresberdah.com) by musician Hugo Martin (coursdeguitaremoderne.fr) in the presence of luthier Michel Berdah. Guitares Berdah demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the demo concerts As always,

Palmer ILM, analog speaker simulator and DI box: a guitarist's best friend

It doesn't happen so often, with all the gear that passes through my hands, that I think this time I'm holding something special. A DI box that does analog speaker emulation probably doesn't make you dream, but you might change your mind after seeing this test of the Palmer (palmer-germany.com) River ILM model! Many thanks

Tausch Guitars 665 Raw review of a great sounding German boutique guitar

German luthier Rainer Tausch (tausch-guitars.de) builds incredible guitars that are a successful blend of tradition and modernity. Indeed, the lines of his guitars are inspired by well-known American models, such as the Telecaster in the case of this 665 Raw. But Rainer doesn't just copy a well-known recipe - far from it! The 665 Raw

Bizen Guitars, interview and demo at the Sound Messe in Osaka

Interview and guitar demo of Bizen Guitars at the Sound Messe (sound-messe.com) in Osaka, Japan. Bizen Guitars demo and interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. For more info:Sound Messe ArchivesGuitar Show ReportsLuthier Interviews

Here is a video chronicle without any talking recorded live during a broadcast about two awesome tape delay machine: the legendary Roland Space Echo RE-201 and the new comer from Australia, the Echo Fix EF-X3. Roland RE-201 vs Echo Fix EF-X3 demo I have the chance to have those two amazing tape delay at the

Demo BRe03 Light BR Guitares by luthier Adrien Bernard-Reymond

It was at MIGS 2023 that I recorded this demo of the BRe03 Light from BR Guitares (brguitares.fr). I love the unconventional lines of luthier Adrien Bernard-Reymond design. He doesn't hesitate to depart from the usual canons of electric guitar. In short, I loved this guitar! BRe03 Light BR Guitares demo Recording setup: Until the

MIGS 2023: the finest electric guitars on demo
Premium Access

MIGS 2023: the finest electric guitars demoed

At the second edition of the Montreux International Guitar Show (migs.ch) there were some phenomenal electric guitars on display from luthiers from all over Europe. Below is a very personal selection of the 18 instruments that caught my eye… and my ear! Guitars demoed The recording setup was the same for all the guitars: my

Blackbeard Guitars : double demo at the Guitar Show Padova and luthier interview

In 2022, I had the pleasure of interviewing Italian luthier Paolo Lardera of Blackbeard Guitars (chitarrebarbanera.it) at the Guitar Show Padova. This is why I propose you this video again, to complement this double demo of two super guitars that Paolo was exhibiting in 2023. Blackbeard Guitars double demo Audio version available on The Guitar

Demos of the most beautiful electric guitars at Sound Messe 2023 in Osaka, Japan

At the Sound Messe show in Osaka, Japan, there were some incredible electric guitars. I've selected 13 of them for you to listen to, 10 of them Japanese, 2 American and 1 French. The recording setup was the same for all the guitars: a simple audio interface, the Zoom AMS-44 and Axiom V2 from Blue

For the past few guitar shows, I've been traveling with the necessary gear to record electric guitar demos with excellent sound quality. The configuration is composed of a Zoom AMS-44 audio interface and a computer running Axiom from Blue Cat Audio. Here are the demos of all the guitars tested at the Guitar Show Padova

Tausch Guitars & Wang Amps - NAMM 2023 session

For the first time I brought with me to a show what I needed to make a good sounding electric guitar recording. The equipment consisted of a Sennheiser e906 microphone, an XLR cable and a Zoom F6 recorder. The video below was recorded in 20min, including setup, on Friday morning, day 2 of NAMM, before

MIDI pedalboards: how to choose the right one
Free Content

MIDI pedalboard: how to choose the right one

In collaboration with Blue Cat Audio (bluecataudio.com) we recorded this video to help you choose the right MIDI pedalboard for your guitar rig. From 60€ to 2 000€, the range is pretty wide so hopefully this video will help you. MIDI pedalboards shootout Pedalboard reviewed in the video (in the order in which they appear):

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Jean-Philippe, one of the premium subscribers of the show ordered this B-30 from the French luthier Virgile Pilon of Blind Guitars (blindguitars.com) a gorgeous OM-style instrument with Brazilian Rosewood for the back and sides. He was so kind that he had the guitar delivered to me when it was finished instead of straight to him.

MostrO Kelt Amplification, two channel tube amp Made in France

Kelt Amplification (keltamplification.com) is a small boutique amp builder based in Lorient, in Brittany right next to the sea in France. The founder Thierry Labrouze hand wires all the tube amps he has been building for the best for close to 10 years now. Here is a review of his flagship, the MostrO. The MostrO

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Blackstar Amped 2 Dept. 10, all-in-one pedalboard with built-in 100W amp review

The British brand Blackstar (blackstaramps.com) hits hard with this second version of their Amped pedalboard! Indeed, this Amped 2 Dept. 10 offers everything you need to play in a band. All you have to do is plug it into a standard guitar cabinet, a mixing console, a computer (or all three) and you're ready to

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How to choose headphones to play the guitar and work on your DAW

In this video recorded in collaboration with Guillaume Jeulin from Blue Cat Audio (bluecataudio.com), we are going through the different kind of headphones available. In fact it is sometimes difficult to understand the differences between all the models available on the market. As Guillaume has many headphones in his lab, we thought it would be

Hermine Dolmen Effects, 13 Proco Rat versions in one pedal

Gildas from Dolmen Effects (dolmen-effects.fr) hits hard again with this distortion pedal that offers no less than 13 versions of the legendary Proco Rat with its Hermine. Spoiler, it sounds huge! Hermine Dolmen Effects pedal review Audio version available on The Guitar Channel Radio for premium subscribers Until the next gear review or interview, keep

Volta 1987 v2, test of a double pedal to get the Marshall sound on your pedalboard

It was at the 42 Gear Street event that I had the pleasure to meet Salvatore di Pietro who is the craftsman behind the Volta Custom Electronics pedals (voltacustom.com) made in Italy. His Volta 1987 v2 model is what we call Marshall-in-a-Box, that is to say that it offers you the sound of the famous

Costalab Pedals demo - EchoLab, ChorusLab & Custom Muff

While waiting for a complete gear review of these excellent Italian pedals, here is a first discovery of these products from Costalab (costalab.com). You can discover the two speed echo, the EchoLab, the ultra deep chorus, the ChorusLab and finally a revised version of the Big Muff with the Custom Muff. Costalab pedal review Until

MIDI tutorial: how to control the Kernom Ridge overdrive pedal via MIDI with Blue Cat Audio Remote Control

In the video below recorded in collaboration with Blue Cat Audio (bluecataudio.com), I show you how you can use their Remote Control software to change parameters on the MIDI capable overdrive pedal Kernom Ridge (kernom.com). For us mere guitar players, there is something magic in being able to remote control a pedal on our pedalboard.

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Légende guitar by Jeanmichel Capt from Switzerland, a unique approach of the wood

Here is a short demo of a Légende model of a guitar built by the Swiss luthier Jeanmichel Capt (autraversdesmains.ch/guitares-legende). Met for the first time at the Montreux International Guitar Show, Jeanmichel was an exhibitor at the Puteaux guitar show organized by yours truly. After the show, I took this beautiful instrument with me as

Girault Guitars model California Master, no talking review

It is difficult to remain insensitive to the shape of the California made by Tony Girault (giraultguitars.com), luthier in Evreux, in the beautiful region of Normandy in France. This is the new version of this model with slightly redesigned curves. In case you are wondering the name of the luthier is pronounced G-raw. Loaded with

Here is a short demo of a Duesenberg (duesenberg.de) Senior model in collaboration with the French importer of the German brand Fred's Guitar Parts (fredguitar.com). Thus, as part of the showroom service, I am delighted to present this beautiful German guitar which has more than one trick up its sleeve despite its apparent simplicity. Duesenberg