Nyl Guitars - Presentation and demo by Michel Gentils in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of two instruments by Nyl Guitars (fr.nylguitars.com) by musician Michel Gentils (michelgentils.com) in the presence of luthier Julien Jalaguier. Nyl Guitars demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the demo concerts

CF Guitars - Presentation and demo by Hugo Martin in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of two instruments by CF Guitars (Facebook page) by musician Hugo Martin (coursdeguitaremoderne.fr) in the presence of luthier Fred Charpiot. Configuration: CF Guitars demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the

Thomas Grumler Lutherie - Presentation and demo by Hugo Martin in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration instruments by Thomas Grumler Lutherie (lutherieguitare.wordpress.com) by musician Hugo Martin (coursdeguitaremoderne.fr) in the presence of luthier Thomas Grumler during the Puteaux Guitar Festival. Thomas Grumler Lutherie demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and

Marine Guitars - Presentation an demo by Marwan Boulaïd in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of two guitars by Marine Guitars (marineguitars.com) by musician Marwan Boulaïd (marwanboulaidmusic.com) in the presence of luthier Marine Pacaut. Marine Guitars demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the demo concerts

Tausch Guitars - Presentation an demo by Marwan Boulaïd in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of two guitars by Tausch Guitars (tausch-guitars.de) by musician Marwan Boulaïd (marwanboulaidmusic.com) in the presence of luthier Rainer Tausch. Tausch Guitars demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the demo concerts

Boxis Guitares - Presentation an demo by Marwan Boulaïd in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of two guitars by Boris Guitars (boxisguitars.com) by musician Marwan Boulaïd (marwanboulaidmusic.com) in the presence of luthier Alexis Bonin. Boxis Guitars demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the demo concerts

Berg Guitares - Presentation and demo by Hugo Martin in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of two instruments by Berg Guitares (berg-guitares.com) by musician Hugo Martin (coursdeguitaremoderne.fr) in the presence of luthier Jonathan Berg. Configuration: Berg Guitares demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the demo

Micoud Guitares - Presentation an demo by Marwan Boulaïd in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of two guitars by Micoud Guitares (micoud-guitares.com) by musician Marwan Boulaïd (marwanboulaidmusic.com) in the presence of luthier Baptiste Micoud. Micoud Guitares demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the demo concerts

LNA FX pedals - Presentation an demo by Marwan Boulaïd in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of four pedals guitars by LNA FX (lnafx.com) by musician Marwan Boulaïd (marwanboulaidmusic.com) in the presence of the builder Stéphane Ellena. TM Lutherie demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the

TED Guitars - Presentation an demo by Marwan Boulaïd in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of two guitars by TED Guitars (tedguitars.fr) by musician Marwan Boulaïd (marwanboulaidmusic.com) in the presence of luthier Thierry Le Guenne. Configuration: TED Guitars demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the

Kopo Guitar - Presentation and demo by Hugo Martin in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of two instruments by Kopo Guitar (kopo.fr) by musician Hugo Martin (coursdeguitaremoderne.fr) in the presence of luthier Fred Pons. Configuration: Kopo Guitar demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the demo

Lame Horse Instruments - Presentation an demo by Hugo Martin in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of a Lame Horse Instruments (lamehorse.net) guitar by musician Hugo Martin (coursdeguitaremoderne.fr) in the presence of luthier Chris Jenkins. Lame Horse Instruments demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the demo

Guitare & Création - Presentation an demo by Marwan Boulaïd in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of an instrument by Guitare & Création (guitare-et-creation.fr) by musician Marwan Boulaïd (marwanboulaidmusic.com) in the presence of luthier Hervé Bérardet. Guitare & Création demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the

Dejardin Guitare - Presentation an demo by Hugo Martin in Puteaux

Presentation and demonstration of two Dejardin Guitare (dejardinguitare.be) by musician Hugo Martin (coursdeguitaremoderne.fr) in the presence of luthier Ghislain Dejardin. Dejardin Guitare demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the demo concerts As always,

Guitares Berdah - Instruments presentation an demo by Hugo Martin

Presentation and demonstration of two Guitares Berdah (guitaresberdah.com) by musician Hugo Martin (coursdeguitaremoderne.fr) in the presence of luthier Michel Berdah. Guitares Berdah demo concert Sound, video and edit: Philippe Camus The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: About the demo concerts As always,

Stoll Guitars - Demo concert Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018

The Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018 included in its program demo concerts that allowed to discover the instruments exhibited by luthiers throughout the festival in the magnificent Jean-Baptiste Lully Music Academy. Here are the Christian Stoll guitars presented on video. Stoll Guitars - Demo concert Luthier: Christian Stoll - www.stollguitars.de Musician: Arnaud Leprêtre - www.arnaudlepretre.com Video and sound: Philippe

Gendre Guitars - Demo concert Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018

The Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018 included in its program demo concerts that allowed to discover the instruments exhibited by luthiers throughout the festival in the magnificent Jean-Baptiste Lully Music Academy. Here are the Julien Gendre guitars presented on video. Gendre Guitars - Demo concert Luthier: Julien Gendre (www.juliengendre.com) Musician: Shaï Sebbag Video and sound: Philippe Camus

Lowry Guitars - Demo concert Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018

The Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018 included in its program demo concerts that allowed to discover the instruments exhibited by luthiers throughout the festival in the magnificent Jean-Baptiste Lully Music Academy. Here are the Drew Lowry guitars presented on video. Lowry Guitars - Demo concert Luthier: Drew Lowry (www.lowry-guitars.com) Musician: Shaï Sebbag Video and sound: Philippe

The Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018 included in its program demo concerts that allowed to discover the instruments exhibited by luthiers throughout the festival in the magnificent Jean-Baptiste Lully Music Academy. Here are the Pierre Bertrand guitars presented on video. Bertrand Guitars - Demo concert Luthier: Pierre Bertand Musician: Shaï Sebbag Video and sound: Philippe Camus

Baudry Guitars - Demo concert Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018

The Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018 included in its program demo concerts that allowed to discover the instruments exhibited by luthiers throughout the festival in the magnificent Jean-Baptiste Lully Music Academy. Here are the Baudry guitars presented on video. Baudry Guitars - Demo concert Luthier: Richard Baudry Musician: Shaï Sebbag Video and sound: Philippe Camus Until

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Demo concert schedule – 2018 Puteaux Guitar Festival

The Puteaux Guitar Festival includes a luthier guitar show with 49 exhibitors as well as 28 demo concerts of instruments, amps and pedals by professional musicians on Saturday October 13rd and Sunday October 14th from 15:00 to 18:00. A wonderful opportunity to see and especially to hear all this beautiful gear played by talented pro

Demo concert videos - Festival de Guitare de Puteaux 2017

The 2017 Festival de Guitare de Puteaux featured a luthier guitar show with 49 exhibitors. In order to discover the wonderful instruments exhibited by the luthiers as well as the amps of craftsmen for electric guitars, demonstration concerts were held throughout the weekend. Here are some video recordings below. Demo concert videos Musicians Gotti Olivier