Clean Chase Bliss Creative Compressor Sound Only Demo

I'd been wanting to try out a product from Chase Bliss ( for a while. The videos I'd seen of the Clean pedal had excited me, so I contacted them and bang, I received this a few weeks later. Well, this creative compressor (as they call it) is formidable. You can make it do lots

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PXO J.Rockett Audio Designs signature Phil X review
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PXO J.Rockett Audio Designs signature Phil X review

American guitarist Phil X, who has been playing with Bon Jovi for years, has released with the PXO an excellent double pedal from J. Rockett Audio Designs (, which I'd like to introduce in this review. Phil X Interviews Archive PXO J.Rockett Audio Designs Review What I Enjoyed The Most What I Enjoyed The Least

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Mythos Hephaestus demo: a very cool riff machine
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Mythos Hephaestus demo: a very cool riff machine

Here is a demo with 100% sound and 0% blah blah of the Mythos ( Hephaestus, a great Fuzz pedal with one single knob to turn. Plug in and enjoy! Mythos Hephaestus demo Conclusion Here's a Fuzz pedal that's perfect for Fuzz newbie like me! The Mythos Hephaestus is easy to set up for standard

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Blackstar Amped 2 Dept. 10, all-in-one pedalboard with built-in 100W amp review

The British brand Blackstar ( hits hard with this second version of their Amped pedalboard! Indeed, this Amped 2 Dept. 10 offers everything you need to play in a band. All you have to do is plug it into a standard guitar cabinet, a mixing console, a computer (or all three) and you're ready to

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Hermine Dolmen Effects, 13 Proco Rat versions in one pedal

Gildas from Dolmen Effects ( hits hard again with this distortion pedal that offers no less than 13 versions of the legendary Proco Rat with its Hermine. Spoiler, it sounds huge! Hermine Dolmen Effects pedal review Audio version available on The Guitar Channel Radio for premium subscribers Until the next gear review or interview, keep

Volta 1987 v2, test of a double pedal to get the Marshall sound on your pedalboard

It was at the 42 Gear Street event that I had the pleasure to meet Salvatore di Pietro who is the craftsman behind the Volta Custom Electronics pedals ( made in Italy. His Volta 1987 v2 model is what we call Marshall-in-a-Box, that is to say that it offers you the sound of the famous

Costalab Pedals demo - EchoLab, ChorusLab & Custom Muff

While waiting for a complete gear review of these excellent Italian pedals, here is a first discovery of these products from Costalab ( You can discover the two speed echo, the EchoLab, the ultra deep chorus, the ChorusLab and finally a revised version of the Big Muff with the Custom Muff. Costalab pedal review Until

MicroPitch Eventide express gear review of a pitch shifting stereo delay

The American pro audio brand Eventide continues to renew its guitar pedal line. After the BlackHole reverb, the MicroPitch offers a stereo delay with the famous Eventide detuning function. The possibilities of this pedal are incredible as it can be a simple delay, a stereo multi-tap delay, a stereo delay with modulation or a chorus!

Tone Bender, review of one of the ultimate and sought-after Fuzz pedals

Thanks to a faithful premium subscriber of The Guitar Channel (thanks Steven), I was able to test a vintage Sola Sound Tone Bender Professional Mk II. It is one of the most sought after Fuzz pedals by aficionados. Tone Bender Professional Mk II review Impressions Fuzz pedals are difficult beasts to tame. This Tone Bender

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In this review I present you the XTone Pro from Xsonic. This is a super cool USB 2 input audio interface which doubles as a MIDI pedalboard! Great piece of gear which works great with your favorite amp emulation software on your computer or mobile device. Disclaimer: this gear was sent to me by the

The Eccos Keeley ( echo pedal promises nothing less than simulating the effect obtained with two tape recorders that are linked to generate a repetition of sound. Make no mistake, this pedal is fully digital but achieves the performance of sounding beautifully like in the good old days of analog recording. Eccos Keeley review Until

JHS PG-14, Paul Gilbert signature distortion pedal - Jam Santana

The American pedal brand JHS ( which bears the initials of its founder Joshua Heath Scott has just released a distortion in collaboration with the one and only Paul Gilbert. With a clever equalization with a semi-parametric midrange adjustment, a very large range of sounds can be reached. The dynamic response is also pretty awesome.

Dave Philips interview and demo at L.A. Sound Design in Burbank, Los Angeles

Thanks to the nice people at the L.A. Vintage Gear store, I was able to meet Dave Phillips from L.A. Sound Design ( who has his workshop right next door. Dave is a great pedalboard and rack builder who has worked for many guitar super stars from Mike Landau to Scott Henderson. Dave Phillips interview

Interview with Andreas from Dophix pedals at the 2020 Winter NAMM

During the 2020 Winter NAMM I had the pleasure to meet face to face for the first time Andreas from the Dophix pedals team. We took the opportunity to record this video interview in the middle of the noisy craziness of the show. Dophix ( builds excellent quality boutique pedals in Firenze, Italy. Andreas interview

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JHS Panther Cub – High-end boutique delay pedal

JHS ( is an American brand that offers top level guitar effect pedals. Here in this gear review, the Panther Cub delay pedal. JHS Panther Cub Until the next gear review or interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

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Centura Ceriatone - One of the best Klon Centaur clone
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Centura Ceriatone – One of the best Klon Centaur clone

The Klon Centaur is probably one of the most cloned pedal with the Tube Screamer. Today we are testing the Centura pedal from Ceriatone ( which is one of the most highly regarded clone of the Klon. It is built in Malaysia and looks absolutely gorgeous. Test configuration Amp : BD Custom Amplification Guitars :

Don Poniz Pedals - Luciano Ponzio pedal builder interview at the Madrid Luthier Guitar Show

Luciano Ponzio was one of the exhibitors at the Luthier Guitar Show in Madrid last September. He is the man behind the Don Poniz ( pedals made on the Costa Brava. Luciano Ponzio interview The Guitar Channel podcast The audio version of the video is available in the podcast on iTunes, Spotify and below: Until the

Greuter Audio pedals - Sascha Greuter interview - Madrid Luthier Guitar Show 2019

During the Luthier Guitar Show 2019 in Madrid, I had the pleasure of meeting the Swiss Sascha Greuter who makes pedals under the name Greuter Audio ( Here is the interview with this craftsman who produces a beautiful range of pedals including some incredible Fuzz. Sascha Greuter interview Until the next interview, keep on playing

The brand Drybell based in Croatia offers pedals of excellent quality as the Vibe Machine which is the choice of Mike Landau to have a sound of Univibe on his pedalboard. The Unit67 is a multifunction pedal with boost, 3-band equalizer and compressor. Video Review - Drybell Unit67 Until the next gear review or  interview, keep

Pedal Review - Vemuram Jan Ray overdrive

The model Jan Ray overdrive pedal from the Japanese manufacturer Vemuram is the star of this video gear review. I found that this pedal sounded remarkably well with a great response to the playing dynamics. Judge for yourself via the video below. Vemuram Jan Ray overdrive video Until the next interview, keep on playing the

Friedman is a well-known tube amp brand that also has its range of pedals and guitars (made by Grover Jackson for that matter). The BE-OD overdrive pedal is supposed to be the replica of the saturated channel of the BE-100 amp, the flagship of the American brand. Let's go for this video test of this

The French pedal manufacturer Anasounds ( now offers a pedal named High Voltage. The promise of the manufacturer from Nice for this pedal is simple: get the sound of Malcom Young from AC/DC, just that! Promise kept? Let's hear it... Summary of the full review Full video Pros and cons of the pedal Conclusion: promise kept?

Pedal Review - Tone Bender Mk II: legendary pedal, legendary tones!

Thanks to a subscriber on The Guitar Channel (thanks Steven), I was able to record this video review of this legendary Fuzz pedal, the Tone Bender Mk II. Tone Bender Mk II video review Until the next gear review or interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

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Interview Kruno et Tom des pédales Drybell - NAMM 2019

The 2019 Winter NAMM was an opportunity to do an interview with Kruno and Tom who are part of the team from Drybell pedals that make the famous Vibe Machine and the Unit67 pedals. Interview with the Drybell team Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

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Pedal Review - Overdrive Nobels ODR-1: cool natural sounding drive tones

It was during a conversation with Pete Thorn in Germany during the 2018 Guitar Summit that I heard about the Nobels ODR-1 overdrive pedal. It seems that this pedal has been used for a long time by studio guitarists in Nashville, as it costs around €90 online, I thought it was mandatory to try it

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Pedal Review - The Grunger - Tube powered booster from Sabelya

The Grunger is a tupe powered boost pedal from French boutique manufacturer Sabelya. This is a pedal that will serve to amplify the signal of your guitar by coloring it. We are not in the category of transparent boosts. On the contrary! The Grunger is made to bring color to your sound. The very neat

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Pedal Review - Thrilltone Great Escape pedal - Dynamic Tremolo

Pierre-Benoît Prudhomme the French manufacturer and creator of boutique pedals for Thrilltone hits a big blow with a dynamic tremolo whose sound varies depending on his attack. Gone the tremolo with speed or fixed depth whose sound you get tired so quickly, with the pedal Great Escape, we enter the 4th dimension of this kind

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Pedal Review - Overdrive and clean boost King of Tone from Analog.Man

Analog Man's overdrive and clean boost pedal King of Tone has an excellent reputation among pedal fanatics. You will be able to see and especially hear what this gives in this recorded video thanks to Steven, a member of The Guitar Channel who owns this pedal. King of Tone from Analog.Man Until the next gear

Pedal Review - Vanflet Distortion1: huge sounds from your pedalboard!

Vanflet is a new French manufacturer of boutique tube amp, they are now launching a range of pedals. Here is the Distortion1, a pedal that inaugurates the series with the Driver1. Vanflet Distortion1 video review Specs Settings: Volume, Gain, Tone Soft switch 9V Price: 149 € What I enjoyed the most A huge reserve of gain

Pedal Review - Zorgverdrive / Zorg Effects
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Pedal Review – Zorgverdrive / Zorg Effects

Zorg Effects is a French boutique pedal builder based in Toulouse. This builder has a wide range of gain pedal with several boosters, distorsions, octavers and overdrives. The Zorgverdriver is a great overdrive pedal with a wide range of tones. Pedal Review - Zorgverdrive Zorg Effects is a pro partner on The Guitar Channel Review