7 test studios: once again the big advantage of the Puteaux guitar show

This year again for the 3rd edition of the Puteaux Guitar Festival its guitar show organized by The Guitar Channel, the 7 test studios were the big advantage for the visitors. The Guitar Channel guitar show organizer Results of the guitar show Whenever a visitor wanted to test a guitar, acoustic or electric, an amp

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2019 Puteaux Guitar Festival 4th edition in a 4min video

From October 11th to 13th 2019, the 3rd edition of the Puteaux Guitar Festival took place in the the music academy of the Puteaux city, right next to Paris, near the La Défense business district. Again The Guitar Channel had the responsibility to organize the guitar show part of the festival as well as the

2019 Puteaux Guitar Festival - Guitar show exhibitor list

For the third year, The Guitar Channel is organizing with the Puteaux music academy the guitar show of the Puteaux Guitar Festival . Puteaux is a very nice and cosy suburb right next to Paris, France. Here's the list of exhibitors for this edition, this festival will happen from October 11th to 13th (see info

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Festival de Guitare de Puteaux 2019 - Luthier show application

The Festival de Guitare de Puteaux will hold its 3rd edition in the conservatory Jean-Baptiste Lully from Friday October 11th until Sunday 13th 2019. Puteaux is a nice suburb right next to Paris, France. For the previous two editions, the festival was visited by more than 2,000 visitors during the three days. 73% of the

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Stoll Guitars - Demo concert Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018

The Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018 included in its program demo concerts that allowed to discover the instruments exhibited by luthiers throughout the festival in the magnificent Jean-Baptiste Lully Music Academy. Here are the Christian Stoll guitars presented on video. Stoll Guitars - Demo concert Luthier: Christian Stoll - www.stollguitars.de Musician: Arnaud Leprêtre - www.arnaudlepretre.com Video and sound: Philippe

Gendre Guitars - Demo concert Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018

The Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018 included in its program demo concerts that allowed to discover the instruments exhibited by luthiers throughout the festival in the magnificent Jean-Baptiste Lully Music Academy. Here are the Julien Gendre guitars presented on video. Gendre Guitars - Demo concert Luthier: Julien Gendre (www.juliengendre.com) Musician: Shaï Sebbag Video and sound: Philippe Camus

Organizing a guitar show is a huge amount of work that The Guitar Channel has happily done for the second year as part of the Puteaux Guitar Festival. Organizing is good, analyzing to be able to enhance the next edition is even better! That's what was done last year, see the debrief of the 2017

Lowry Guitars - Demo concert Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018

The Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018 included in its program demo concerts that allowed to discover the instruments exhibited by luthiers throughout the festival in the magnificent Jean-Baptiste Lully Music Academy. Here are the Drew Lowry guitars presented on video. Lowry Guitars - Demo concert Luthier: Drew Lowry (www.lowry-guitars.com) Musician: Shaï Sebbag Video and sound: Philippe

The Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018 included in its program demo concerts that allowed to discover the instruments exhibited by luthiers throughout the festival in the magnificent Jean-Baptiste Lully Music Academy. Here are the Pierre Bertrand guitars presented on video. Bertrand Guitars - Demo concert Luthier: Pierre Bertand Musician: Shaï Sebbag Video and sound: Philippe Camus

Baudry Guitars - Demo concert Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018

The Puteaux Guitar Festival 2018 included in its program demo concerts that allowed to discover the instruments exhibited by luthiers throughout the festival in the magnificent Jean-Baptiste Lully Music Academy. Here are the Baudry guitars presented on video. Baudry Guitars - Demo concert Luthier: Richard Baudry Musician: Shaï Sebbag Video and sound: Philippe Camus Until

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Demo concert schedule – 2018 Puteaux Guitar Festival

The Puteaux Guitar Festival includes a luthier guitar show with 49 exhibitors as well as 28 demo concerts of instruments, amps and pedals by professional musicians on Saturday October 13rd and Sunday October 14th from 15:00 to 18:00. A wonderful opportunity to see and especially to hear all this beautiful gear played by talented pro

Festival de Guitare de Puteaux 2018 - Luthier show application

For the second year in a row, The Guitar Channel is organizing with the Puteaux Music Academy the guitar show of the Festival de Guitare de Puteaux right next to Paris, France. Here's the list of exhibitors for the second edition, this festival will happen from October 12th to 14th (see info below). The luthier show

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A busy Fall season for The Guitar Channel!

Fall is traditionally a very busy period on the side of guitar events because there are a lot of shows and festivals that are held at that time. Below are the events on which The Guitar Channel will be present whether to cover the event, to exhibit or ... as an organizer! September 7th to

Demo concert videos - Festival de Guitare de Puteaux 2017

The 2017 Festival de Guitare de Puteaux featured a luthier guitar show with 49 exhibitors. In order to discover the wonderful instruments exhibited by the luthiers as well as the amps of craftsmen for electric guitars, demonstration concerts were held throughout the weekend. Here are some video recordings below. Demo concert videos Musicians Gotti Olivier

Festival de Guitare de Puteaux 2018 - Luthier show application

The Festival de Guitare de Puteaux will hold its 2nd edition in the conservatory Jean-Baptiste Lully from Friday October 12th until Sunday 14th 2018. Puteaux is a nice suburb right next to Paris, France. Last year edition was visited by 2,800 visitors during the three days. 73% of the exhibitors were satisfied or very satisfied by the

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Following the Festival de Guitare de Puteaux, The Guitar Channel, having organized the luthier show and the 27 demo concerts, made a satisfaction survey with the exhibitors in order to evaluate the work that had been done and see the areas for improvement. The survey contained ten questions: the first six questions were scored out

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Festival de Guitare de Puteaux 2017 - What you need to know about this new guitar event

Full disclaimer: The Guitar Channel was the co-organizer of the festival with the responsability of the luthier show with 49 exhibitors and the 27 demo concerts. From Friday September 29th until Sunday October 1st 2017, the Festival de Guitare de Puteaux took place in the Jean-Baptiste Lully music academy in Puteaux, just west of Paris

Here's the full list of the 49 exhibitors who will be present at the guitar show during the first edition of the Festival de Guitare de Puteaux (pronounced "Puto").



French luthier association

Electric Guitars

Acoustic Guitars

Acoustic Guitars

Bebop Assurances



Acoustic Guitars

Acoustic Guitars

Electric Guitars

Electric Guitars

Doc Music Station

Acoustic Guitars

Acoustic Guitars

Echo d'Artistes
Acoustic Guitars

Echoppe de

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The Guitar Channel: co-organizer of the 2017 Festival de Guitare de Puteaux, France

The Guitar Channel is co-organizing the first Festival Guitare de Puteaux which will take place September 29th, 30th and October 1st 2017 in the gorgeous music academy of this cosy suburb of Paris, the Conservatoire Jean-Baptiste Lully. The Guitar Channel is organizing the guitar show with more than 40 exhibitors and the demo concerts.
Festival de Guitare de Puteaux
Friday Sept. 29th - Saturday Sept. 30th - Sunday Oct.

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