Thomas Blug, interview with the German entrepreneur of Bluguitar at NAMM
German musician and entrepreneur Thomas Blug was one of the NAMM exhibitors, showcasing his Bluguitar ( brand of amplifiers. The Amp X model due out in 2024 is very promising, so keep an eye on it! Thomas Blug interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. Audio version
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Sully Guitars, interview with the American guitar builder at NAMM
It was within the Boutique Guitar Showcase area that I discovered the works from Jon Sullivan from Sully Guitars ( during the NAMM 2024. Here is the American boutique guitar builder in an interview and a visit of his guitars. Jon Sullivan interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar!
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Tomo Fujita, interview at NAMM with one of John Mayer’s teachers
Tomo Fujita ( was one of the many professional musicians present at NAMM 2024. He was giving demonstrations on the One Control booth ( Here he is in sunny California for an in-depth interview about his opinion of the show, his projects, his pedagogy, his influence on John Mayer and much more. Tomo Fujita interview
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I regularly listen to all the podcasts featuring Zach Broyles from Mythos Pedals ( Dipped in Tone with Rhett Shull and Pedal Pushers, his brand podcast. So I had planned to meet him at his booth at NAMM. It was a blast to do this interview with this dynamic entrepreneur! Zach Broyles interview Until the
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At NAMM, Italian guitarist Matteo Mancuso ( was definitely one of the big attractions of this 2024 edition. Here's an interview with him just after one of those dazzling demos he gave with his father Vincenzo Mancuso and also with Cory Wong. Matteo Mancuso interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing
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British musician Tom Quayle ( is a regular at guitar shows, and here he is for an express interview right in the middle of Saturday's crazy day at NAMM 2024. Tom Quayle interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. For more info:Tom Quayle InterviewsNAMM Reports & InterviewsGuitar
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Interview with Filipe Pampuri, creator of Brazilian pedal manufacturer Bee Tronics (, at NAMM. Filipe Pampuri interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. For more info:NAMM Reports & InterviewsPedal Reviews
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Crazy Tube Circuits: interview with Christos Ntaifotis at NAMM
Interview with Christos Ntaifotis, creator of Greek pedal manufacturer Crazy Tube Circuits (, at NAMM. Christos Ntaifotis interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. For more info:NAMM Reports & InterviewsPedal Reviews
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Adriano Sergio (Ergon Guitars) interview with the boutique guitar builder during the NAMM
Interview with luthier Adriano Sergio from Ergon Guitars ( during the NAMM 2024 edition. As a bonus, after the interview I had the pleasure of playing one of the sublime achtop to make a video demo. Adriano Sergio interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. For more info:Adriano Sergio ArchivesNAMM Reports & InterviewsLuthier
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Walrus Audio turns to T-shirts: shocking interview with Colt Wesbrook at NAMM
Breaking news at NAMM 2024: U.S. effects pedal manufacturer Walrus Audio ( turns to T-shirts! Shocking interview with founding president Colt Wesbrook! Colt Westbrook interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. For more info:Walrus Audio ArchivesNAMM Reports & Interviews
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Patrolling the aisles of NAMM, I came across Thomas Nordegg, Steve Vai's legendary guitar tech! He immediately agreed to do this express interview. Thomas Nordegg interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. For more info:NAMM Reports & InterviewsSteve Vai Archives
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NAMM 2024 as if you were there: 5 reports, 35 interviews, 4 debriefs!
Once again, The Guitar Channel brought you the best coverage of NAMM, with no fewer than 5 daily reports and 35 interviews, including 4 debriefs! With over 60,000 visitors, 1,600 exhibitors and more than 3,500 brands, there was plenty to do over the 4 days of the show. In short, NAMM is far from being
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Always an entertaining moment to bump into my buddy Henning Pauly (chaine YouTube), the ebullient German youtuber was back at NAMM after a few years' absence. Here's a quick interview with him. Henning Pauly interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. For more info:NAMM Reports & InterviewsHenning
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Danish Pete aka Peter Honoré from Andertons Music NAMM interview
NAMM 2024 hadn't yet opened to the public when I came face to face with Danish Pete aka Peter Honoré, the musician who co-hosts the videos for Andertons Music ( Here's an improvised interview with this colorful guitarist. Peter Honoré interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel.
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Taylor Guitars, interview of the president and master builder Andy Powers at NAMM
Like every year, I'm delighted to do an interview with Andy Powers, President of Taylor Guitars ( In this video, he shares his views on NAMM, what's new for the brand he runs, and much more. Andy Powers interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. Audio version
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Great Sunday to end the 2024 edition of the NAMM Show! Usually the last day is very quiet but there was in fact many people going around. Highlight of the day a great jam between Matteo Mancuso and his father and an interview with Lee Anderton. Reports: Day 0 / Day 1 / Day 2
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Here's a live session recorded from a luthier guitar at NAMM 2024 on the Eddie Wang ( amp stand of an Oopegg ( Trailbreaker model guitar. These guitars are made in Japan by luthier Kazuma Tanabe. Oopegg Trailbreaker demo Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. Audio version
Don Alder ( is a Canadian musician who continues to release very interesting guitar albums. Here he is for a minute interview just after his demo in the middle of NAMM 2024 on the Ernie Ball Music Man booth. Don Alder interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre
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Beautiful Californian sunshine for a great Saturday at NAMM 2024. Here's over an hour of coverage and 6 interviews to find out, see and hear all about it! You will here those musicians play: Dweezil Zappa, Glenn Arzel, Julien Bitoun and more. Interviews of the day Reports: Day 0 / Day 1 / Day 2
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Friday was another busy day at NAMM, with 6 interviews and a few kilometers covered in the aisles of the Anaheim Convention Center. Interviews of the day Reports: Day 0 / Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 NAMM 2024, Day 2 Until the next interview or gear review, keep on
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Former Whitesnake guitarist Adrian Vandenberg interviewed at NAMM
Adrian Vandenberg played in Whitesnake in the 90s with Steve Vai. He was at NAMM at the Peavey booth, and here's the full interview with this shredder from the Hair Metal era. Adrian Vandenberg interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. Audio version available on The Guitar
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For the second time at NAMM, I had the chance to interview Fred Greene, Vice President Product Management at Martin Guitars ( Interview Fred Greene Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. Audio version available on The Guitar Channel Radio for premium subscribers For more info:NAMM ArchivesFactory Tours
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I was delighted to meet Thomas Ripsam, the recently appointed head of Martin Guitars (, at NAMM 2024. Thomas Ripsam interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. Audio version available on The Guitar Channel Radio for premium subscribers For more info:NAMM ArchivesFactory Tours
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Day one at NAMM, with no fewer than 8 interviews conducted in the show aisles! Suffice to say, it was a very intense and exciting day. Here's the full report. Interviews of the day Reports: Day 0 / Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 NAMM 2024, Day 1 Until the
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Having arrived in Anaheim in the afternoon, I was able to get a sneak preview of NAMM while some exhibitors were still setting up. Reports: Day 0 / Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 NAMM 2024, Day 0 Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar!
In 2024, the NAMM Show returns to its usual late-January slot and 4-day duration. It will take place from January 25 to 28, 2024, and The Guitar Channel will be on site for the ninth time. Why go to NAMM in 2024 NAMM is THE major event for the entire musical instrument industry. Even if
From the archives, here is a 2016 unreleased interview of Zane Carney during the Winter NAMM 2016. Zane Carney interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. For more info:Zane Carney InterviewsGuitar in Hand Interviews
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The NAMM Show 2023 as if you were on site! 3 episodes, 20+ interviews, 3h available on VOD
Want to experience the NAMM Showas if you were there? Here is a series of 3h videoto see and know everything! Series available for 9,90€ in VOD or via The Guitar Channel all-you-can-watch subscription NAMM 2023 Full Reports & Interviews from La Chaine Guitare on Vimeo. Summary of the series # Title Duration 1. NAMM
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Andy Powers, interview with Taylor Guitars CEO and master builder at NAMM 2023
It's now an established tradition for me to interview Andy Powers every year when I'm at NAMM. The CEO and master builder of Taylor Guitars ( is always a good interviewee. Here's the news from the San Diego-based brand at NAMM 2023. NAMM Video Archives Andy Powers interview Audio version available on The Guitar Channel
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