Walrus Audio turns to T-shirts: shocking interview with Colt Wesbrook at NAMM
Breaking news at NAMM 2024: U.S. effects pedal manufacturer Walrus Audio (walrusaudio.com) turns to T-shirts! Shocking interview with founding president Colt Wesbrook! Colt Westbrook interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. For more info:Walrus Audio ArchivesNAMM Reports & Interviews
- Published in All, Interviews
During the 2017 NAMM, The Guitar Channel had the opportunity to meet Colt Westbrook, CEO of Walrus Audio, American maker of boutique pedals.
- Published in All, Interviews
Gear Evening – D’Angelico, Walrus Audio, Positive Grid, PedalTrain
The first Gear Evening of 2017 was held on February 23rd with D'Angelico for guitars, Walrus Audio for pedals, Positive Grid for the digital amp head and Pedaltrain for the pedalboards.
- Published in News
NAMM 2017 – Interviews day 2: Walrus Audio, Reverb.com, Shimabukuro, Keneally, Balducci
Here're the interviews done during day 1 of the NAMM:
Colt Westbrook (Walrus Audio)
Kevin Drost (Reverb.com)
Jake Shimabukuro
Mike Keneally
Rob Balducci
Thursday - Friday - Week-end
NAMM 2017 - Interviews day 2
Colt Westbrook (Walrus Audio):
Kevin Drost (Reverb.com):
Jake Shimabukuro:
Mike Keneally:
Rob Balducci:
Colt Westbrook (Walrus Audio):
Kevin Drost (Reverb.com):
Jake Shimabukuro:
Mike Keneally:
Rob Balducci:
Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar!
You want to watch the full video guitar magazine?
- Published in Interviews
Gear Evening 23/02/17 – D’Angelico, Walrus Audio, Positive Grid, PedalTrain
This Gear Evening will happen on Thursday February 23rd from 7pm to 10pm. The exhibitors who are all Pro Backstage Pass subscribers are
D'Angelico www.dangelicoguitars.com (guitars et basses)
Walrus Audio www.walrusaudio.com (pedals)
Positive Grid www.positivegrid.com (amps and simulation)
Pedaltrain www.pedaltrain.com (pedalboard)
Thursday February 23rd from 7pm to 10pm
Studio Luna Rossa
24 Rue Primo Levi 75013 Paris
Mandatory inscription :
Facebook event
Google+ event
Meetup event
What's a Gear Evening?
A Gear Evening is a moment of sharing between guitar enthusiasts with guitar gear to try (guitar, amp, pedals) in a rehearsal studio equipped as it should be.
- Published in News
Feedback from Joris, a backstager who reviewed
the Bellwether Walrus Audio delay pedal
during a Backstage Gear Tour
Hello fellow guitar players,
Thanks to a Backstage Gear Tour, I had the pleasure to test at home the Bellwether, a delay pedal from the American boutique builder Walrus Audio (reviewed by The Guitar Channel in this article). Here's a video which will hopefully inspire you to test this pedal.
Joris video review
My feedback
Overall, the sound is very warm with a slight dark side on my gear. The Tone setting is well thought out to adjust the tone of the effect.
- Published in Gear
Walrus Audio Bellwether – An excellent delay pedal full of possibilities
Walrus Audio offers, with the Bellwether, a very complete analog sound delay pedal offering a delay with many possible settings. In addition to the conventional time, level and tone settings, you can activate and set a modulation and decide the subdivision in time, not to mention the tap tempo button (to determine the delay time) and the possibilities with external connections.
- Published in Gear
Walrus Audio is an american builder of pedals. They propose a wide range of products. Here's a video review of the Iron Horse distorsion pedal. Get ready for some big and fat saturated tones with this gain machine!
Walrus Audio Iron Horse distorsion pedal review
Review setup
Guitar used : Spartan Springer with a single P90 pickup (Haussel)
Sound : the base clean sound used throughout the review is provided by an Apollo Twin Universal Audio interface in which the guitar is plugged directly.