Berta Rojas Guitar in Hand Interview of the Paraguayan Concertist
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Berta Rojas Interview of the Paraguayan Virtuoso

It's always a great pleasure and an impressive moment for me to interview Classical guitarists. Indeed, they have a phenomenal technique and manage to play fabulous music with a “simple” nylon-string guitar. Here's a guitar-in-hand interview with Berta Rojas (, a concert artist from Paraguay who plays all over the world and teaches at Berklee

Yvette Young, Interview at NAMM on the Walrus Audio Booth
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Yvette Young, Interview at NAMM

American musician Yvette Young (@yvetteyoung on Instagram) was at NAMM on the Walrus Audio both to talk about her signature QI pedal. A perfect opportunity to do an express interview with this fascinating guitarist. Yvette Young interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. For more info:Woman InterviewsNAMM

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Mary Spender, NAMM interview
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Mary Spender, NAMM interview

Mary Spender ( is an artist who fully embraces what it means to be a musician these days. She's very active on YouTube, she produces quality content, she makes music that she finances thanks to her community, she produces her own tours, etc. Her album Super Sexy Heartbreak was one of the albums I listened

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Ana Patan Interview at NAMM
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Ana Patan Interview at NAMM

It was while wandering the aisles of NAMM on the second day that I came across musician Ana Patan. So we took the opportunity to do a quick interview to get her impressions of this 2025 edition. Ana Patan interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. For

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Ana Patan and Jonas Hellborg Interview at the 2024 Guitar Summit

Singer-guitarist Ana Patan ( and legendary bassist Jonas Hellborg ( played at Guitar Summit on the big stage at Mannheim's Rosengarten. Here they are in interview to talk about their respective projects. Ana Patan and Jonas Hellborg Interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. For more info:Bass

Jacky Bastek guitar player and Jacky Walraet luthier interview on the EGB Community Build

At the occasion of the 2018 Holy Grail Guitar Show the European Guitar Builders ( association launched a project to build a guitar for several female guitar players. Here is the interview with musician Jacky Bastek with luthier Jacky Walraet about the guitar built during the EGB Community Build project. Jacky Bastek and Jacky Walraet

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Christina Kobler interview at Holy Grail Guitar Show

There are not many women luthiers. The Austrian Christina Kobler ( is one of them and was one of the exhibitors at the Holy Grail Guitar Show 2016. She builds high end acoustic guitar. Christina Kobler interview Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

Noemi Schembri luthier interview - 2019 Sound Messe Osaka

Unfortunately there is not that many women building guitars, it's still the exception in this man's world. That's why I am very happy to present you with this interview with the Italian guitar luthier Noemi Schembri ( who was one of the exhibitor at the 2019 Sound Messe in Osaka. Noemi Schembri interview Until the

Ana Popovic interview - Guitar in Hand -

For the 3rd time The Guitar Channel was doing an interview with the singer and guitar player Ana Popovic who proposes with "Like It on Top" a strong album very well produced. A great opportunity to do a Guitar in Hand interview before her concert at the New Morning in Paris. Summary of the full

Rhonda Smith interview - Prince and Jeff Beck bass player - 2019 Winter NAMM

Unfortunately, it is not often that we have the opportunity to meet women musicians and even rarer when they play bass! The 2019 Winter NAMM was an opportunity to meet Rhonda Smith at the PRS booth who played for Prince and Jeff Beck. Rhonda Smith interview Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar!

Luthier Sharleen Simmons interview at the Holy Grail Guitar Show

Here's a luthier Sharleen Simmons interview recorded during the 2015 Holy Grail Guitar Show.

Sharleen Simmons website:
Luthier Sharleen Simmons interview during the Holy Grail Guitar Show

Until the next interview from the Holy Grail Guitar Show or elsewhere, keep on playing the guitar!


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Heike Matthiesen interview at the 2014 Musikmesse

Heike Matthiesen has been a regular guest on the show. Each time I come to the Musikmesse I interview her. Each time it's a lot of fun to talk to such a passionate musician.

Here's one of the rare interview of Tina S. You have most likely seen recently on YouTube the video shown below where Tina (@tina_s__) covers Eruption from Eddie Van Halen. One can only be impressed by her level of virtuosity, of course I would have liked to feel more fire, more passion in her performance but no doubt this will change in the future. At 14, her technical level is pretty amazing.

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