Victor Lee guitar in hand interview with the Korean born American musician

Met via Clubhouse, Victor Lee ( is a Korean born musician who came to the US at the age of 16. His instrumental music is awesome, he plays great and the production is very well done. In addition Victor plays on the great American guitars from Suhr and Tom Anderson so he has obviously very

Sean Ashe guitar in hand interview with the talented musician

First met in 2018 at NAMM, Sean Ashe ( is an American musician with a strong melodic sense. He has released a new single called Ocean on May 15, 2021, 5 years after his album Flux. It is guitar in hand (a Tom Anderson of course!) that he answered all my questions from his home

Sean Ashe interview - 2018 Winter NAMM
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Sean Ashe interview – 2018 Winter NAMM

Video interview recorded with the musician and guitar player Sean Ashe on the Tom Anderson Guitars booth during the 2018 Winter NAMM. Sean Ashe interview Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

Tom Anderson interview during the 2015 Winter NAMM show
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Tom Anderson interview during the Winter NAMM show

I am a big fan of the work of Tom Anderson as I think he builds with his team amongst the best superstrat of the market.