Telecaster pickups shootout: Lollar Pickups versus Dreamsongs Pickups

Here is shootout of two sets of Telecaster pickups, one from Dreamsongs Pickups ( with the Classic Blues-Rock reference from Italy and one from Lollar Pickups ( from the US with the 52 T reference.

Mobile guitar rig presented with Snapchat
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Mobile guitar rig presented with Snapchat

Here's the mobile guitar rig I use when I want to play in the park right next to our house.

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Guitar Video Review: Rittenhouse Telecaster

Here is a video soundseeing of my beautiful Rittenhouse Telecaster (

Direct link to the m4v file: LCG-111-20110702.m4v

The whole Rittenhouse Telecaster Story of this guitar is there in 5 parts:

Part 5
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
Part 1

If you want sone more there is another video in french here and also an audio only episode with a soundseeing of the same guitar here.



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Telecaster pickups shootout: Lollar Pickups versus Dreamsongs Pickups
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The Rittenhouse Telecaster Story – Part 5

On a glorious 2011 january morning, here it was, the parcel coming from Florida with the precious Rittenhouse Telecaster inside!

First impressions:

The guitar is very light, I need to weight it precisely but I am pretty sure it is the lightest guitar I have
The relicing job is very well done. It looks and feels old.

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Telecaster pickups shootout: Lollar Pickups versus Dreamsongs Pickups
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The Rittenhouse Telecaster Story – Part 4

Well, it seems that my Rittenhouse ( Telecaster is finished!

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Telecaster pickups shootout: Lollar Pickups versus Dreamsongs Pickups
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The Rittenhouse Telecaster Story – Part 3

Do you remember Part 2 of my Rittenhouse Telecaster story ? Here how the body was looking before Abe started the relicing process:

Here goes another picture update with the relicing job finished:

It looks cool he?

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Telecaster pickups shootout: Lollar Pickups versus Dreamsongs Pickups
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The Rittenhouse Telecaster Story – Part 2

Here is a picture update on the Telecaster I won back in December 2009 and that Abe is building for me at Rittenhouse:

As per Abe e-mail, the body is fully cured and ready for the relicing process.

Can't wait to see the next stage!


Note: here is the link to The Rittenhouse Telecaster Story - Part 1

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Telecaster pickups shootout: Lollar Pickups versus Dreamsongs Pickups
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The Rittenhouse Telecaster Story – Part 1

All this story began with a post on Muzicosphere about a giveaway for a Rittenhouse guitar...
Then one morning, on December 24th 2009, barely awake as I was checking my iPhone I see this Boxcar popup with this tweet:

I had WON!!! I checked, double-checked, triple-checked but it was for real I had won a free guitar. On Christmas Eve, how cool is that, he??! 🙂

As The Guitar Channel is about...

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