Soultool Guitars, Egon Rauscher Interview at NAMM
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Soultool Guitars, Egon Rauscher Interview at NAMM

The Swiss boutique guitar builder Egon Rauscher from Soultool Guitars ( was exhibiting at the 2025 NAMM Show in the Boutique Guitar Showcase area. Here is presenting his new creations he brought to America. Egon Rauscher interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. For more info:Luthier InterviewsNAMM

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Soultool Customized Guitars, Egon Rauscher Swiss guitar builder interview in Padova

Swiss luthier Egon Rauscher is a craftsman I've been coming across at shows since 2015. He was exhibiting with three of his Soultool Customized Guitars instruments ( at the Guitar Show Padova. As he was my neighbor during the show and as I dig his work , we recorded a new interview. As a bonus,

Interview with the luthier Egon Rauscher from SoulTool Guitars ( from Montreux International Guitar Show ( Egon Rauscher interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. For more info:MIGS ArchivesGuitar Show ReportsLuthier Interviews

Soultool Guitars, Egon Rauscher luthier interview with an intriguing new guitar

During the Guitar Summit 2019 the Swiss luthier Egon Rauscher exhibited his SoulTool ( instruments including a very intriguing guitar that he came to present in interview. With this new model, it is possible to change the mass of the guitar as well as its frequency response by using discs in a different metals or

Guitar Summit 2019 - Day 2: guitars, guitars and more guitars!

The big day of Guitar Summit is definitely Saturday, there was already the queue in front of the Rosen Garten at 10:30am while the show opened at only at 11:00am. Program of the day: Mathieu Humbert - Melophonics Egon Rauscher - SoulTool Guitars Claudio Pagelli Saku Vuori Jol Burger Guitar Summit 2019 - Day 2

Soultool Guitars - Interview Egon Rauscher - Musikmesse 2017

Here is an interview with the Swiss luthier Egon Rauscher who was one of the exhibitors of Musikmesse 2015 with his very beautiful electric guitars under the brand Soultool. Interview Egon Rauscher Until the next interview, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. [cta_video]

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Interviews done during the 2017 Musikmesse

Despite the absence of many big brands that do not drain anymore in their wakes the artists to make demos on the booths, there were nevertheless many interesting people to meet on this 2017 Musikmesse.

2017 Musikmesse - Video coverage and debrief - The Guitar Channel
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2017 Musikmesse – Video coverage and debrief

With the NAMM, the Musikmesse is one of the key events of the musical instrument industry and what revolves around (sound system, lights, etc.). The part reserved for the guitar is increasingly reduced year after year which diminishes the interest of coming for visitors fans of six-string. Nevertheless this fair continues to offer a great concentration of people who are present for 4 days in Frankfurt.

Here's Egon Rauscher interview, luthier for SoulTool Guitars. He was one of the 115 selected guitar builders presenting their work at the 2015 Holy Grail Guitar Show in Berlin. The quality of the instruments from Soultool is top notch as the design which looks pretty cool.
Egon Rauscher interview

This video is publicly accessible because SoulTool has a Pro Backstage Pass
SoulTool website:
Soultool guitars

My take on the SoulTool guitars
I really dig the design Egon found for his instruments. It's modern but with that classic vibe we all cherish.