In 2024, the NAMM Show returns to its usual late-January slot and 4-day duration. It will take place from January 25 to 28, 2024, and The Guitar Channel will be on site for the ninth time.
Why go to NAMM in 2024
NAMM is THE major event for the entire musical instrument industry. Even if the show will never be the same after Covid, it remains a must for all manufacturers, big or small.
Even those who don't exhibit still come to meet all the players in the field.
Ditto for musicians, endorsed or not, big stars and developing artists alike, who come to play, demo, meet partners, chat with peers or all of the above at the same time.
So for The Guitar Channel, it's an incredible playground for interviews and reports, to bring you the inside story.

My 2024 NAMM Programm
Every year, covering this international show involves a substantial budget (around $3,000 for a full week on site), as well as a great deal of upstream preparation to organize interviews and meetings.
Interviews already scheduled:
- Andy Powers, CEO of Taylor Guitars
- Thomas Ripsam, CEO of Martin Guitars: a first!
- Fred Greene, Chief Produce Officer of Martin Guitars
- Adrian Vandenberg, guitar hero of the 90s who played in Whitesnake
- Other interviews still to be confirmed
And every day a full video report.
Post NAMM guitar trip
Once NAMM is over, I usually rent a car and criss-cross Los Angeles to visit music and guitar meccas like :
- Store visits like Norman's Rare Guitars
- Factory tours in the area
- Studio visits or luthier workshops
- Interviews with musicians, such as Allen Hinds
In short, as you'd expect, the region has a lot to offer.
Take a trip with The Guitar Channel!
The production of all this content is only possible thanks to The Guitar Channel paying subscribers, who in return benefit from the one of the best onsite coverage of the show: I'm not afraid to say it!
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to access the exclusive content
Until I get on the plane on January 24th to start this new Californian campaign, I wish you all a very happy 2024, full of music and guitar!
Pierre Journel.
For more info:
NAMM Reports & Interviews
Factory Tours
Store Visits