Kelt Amplification ( is a French boutique tube amp brand founded by Thierry Labrouze. The F-Type is one of the new model recently introduced, it is a 15W all tube Fender style amp with a tube driven reverb.
The video below was recorded live during an FAQ broadcasted on December 27th 2023 in French on La Chaîne Guitare ( All the playing sequences were put back to back.
Keep in mind that it was a live broadcast with all the imperfections from my playing.
F-Type tube amp by Kelt Amplification demo
- Guitars: 1988 Fender Strat Clapton and a Girault California Korina (
- Pedals (on and off in the video) : Blues Driver Boss and Flint Strymon
- Sound: OX Box Universal Audio
- Console: stereo Ping-Pong delay and Hall reverb when needed

This F-Type Kelt combo sounds terrific. The integrated tube reverb sounds superb, even with extreme settings shown in the video.
While we await a full test of this amp, I hope this live demo has given you a good idea of the amazing quality of Thierry Labrouze's work.
Pierre Journel.
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