Instagram is a social network full of exceptional musicians. Horace Bray ( is one of those. This Instagram gem particularly attracted my ear when I watched it because Horace uses an unusual chord progression (at least for me!): Em7 / EbM7 / Dm7 / DbM7. This chromatic descent is fascinating, especially when you see what Horace is doing on top of it.
But the story does not stop there, browsing the comments I stumbled on the Instagram account of Kevin Davis (@kevindavismusic) who reported that he posted on his own account a transcription of the song!
Instagram gem by Horace Bray - Posted on 14/05/18
Transcription by Kevin Davis - Posted on 19/05/18
For an amateur musician of Rock / Blues origin as yours truly, to look into this kind of chord sequence is very refreshing. What Horace Bray plays is so beautiful and so easy that you think it's worth thinking about it a little closer.
So I programmed this sequence of chords on iRealPro, a smartphone applications essential in the arsenal of the musician who wants to work his instrument with a harmonic context easy to program and pleasant to listen.
iReal Pro link to download the chord progression
The Guitar Channel on Instagram
And to get more Instagram gems, follow The Guitar Channel Instagram account @theguitachnnl:
Instagram: @theguitarchnnl
Until the next chronicle, keep on playing the guitar!
Pierre Journel.