Here's a great photo book published by Hal Leonard with pictures from Stephen Pitkin with only some of the coolest and funkiest masterbuilt Fender Custom Shop guitars over the past 30 years. There is not a lot of text in this book, only some great pictures of some of the coolest and funkiest instruments like this "El Cabron" one pickup Strat 2005 built by Chris Fleming for Billy Gibbons:
Of course you can also find some not-so-tasty creations like this "Stained-Glass" Esquire:
And what about this cool "Jag-Stand" guitar built in 1993 by Larry Brooks based on a Polaroïd collage Kurt sent to Fender:
In short, the kind of book very pleasant to leaf through to dream, to take inspiration or ... to shudder in horror as sometimes the bad taste reaches some incredible level. For the modest sum of about $US 20 you have here a beautiful work well printed on nice paper with splendid photos. It's pure guitar porn guaranteed!
If you are into the visual side of things you will love this book but if you want more explanations, details, information on the instruments, you will then this one is not for you.
Until the next book review or article, keep on playing the guitar!