Celentano Pickups, Paulo Celentano interview of the Italian pickup builder

Paulo Celentano is an Italian craftsman who makes pickups under his Celentano Pickups brand (celentanopickups.com). We chatted in the aisles of Guitar Show Padova and did this interview! Paulo Celentano interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar! Pierre Journel. Audio version available on The Guitar Channel Radio for premium

Jason Lollar is the American behind the famous Lollar Pickups (lollarguitars.com) brand he founded. Here he is in an interview at the Holy Grail Guitar Show in Berlin in 2018. In it, he tells the story of the brand and his approach to making his excellent, world-renowned products. Jason Lollar interview Until the next interview,

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Pickup Shootout: PRS McCarty vs Häussel Pickups 59

As promised in the article documenting the installation of the Häussel Pickups in my PRS McCarty, here's the pickup shootout between the stock PRS McCarty pickups and the set of 59 pickups from Häussel Pickups.

Pickup Shootout: PRS McCarty vs Häussel 59
I tried as much as possible to cover the same kind of guitar playing throughout the test: with the fingers only, with a pick, light and heavy riffing, etc.

Conditions of the test

Guitar: 2005 PRS McCarty
Strings: no change of strings to keep this parameter the same between both recordings
Sound: Universal Audio Apollo Twin interface