Clean Chase Bliss Creative Compressor Sound Only Demo

I'd been wanting to try out a product from Chase Bliss ( for a while. The videos I'd seen of the Clean pedal had excited me, so I contacted them and bang, I received this a few weeks later. Well, this creative compressor (as they call it) is formidable. You can make it do lots

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The brand Drybell based in Croatia offers pedals of excellent quality as the Vibe Machine which is the choice of Mike Landau to have a sound of Univibe on his pedalboard. The Unit67 is a multifunction pedal with boost, 3-band equalizer and compressor. Video Review - Drybell Unit67 Until the next gear review or  interview, keep

Pedal Review - Joe Walsh Double Classic from Analog Alien: overdrive/compressor

Analog Alien ( is an American brand of boutique pedal that offers a range of products with a very original look and a beautiful palette of sounds. After the Rumble Seat (reviewed in this article) The Guitar Channel offers you to discover another cool pedal built by the Napoli brothers, the Joe Walsh Double Classic.

As its name implies it was developed for the legendary guitar player from The Eagles: Joe Walsh.