Sully Guitars Luthier Interview during NAMM
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Sully Guitars Luthier Interview during NAMM

Jon Sullivan also known as Sully from Sully Guitars ( was exhibiting again at NAMM as part of the Boutique Guitar Showcase. Here he is in an interview in front of his table to walk us through his gorgeous creations. Thanks a ton Sully for being a continuing paying support of the show. Sully interview

American boutique guitar builder Jon Sullivan of Sully Guitars ( talks in this interview about the Trella LS, a new model he is adding to his range with a traditional Gibson scale. We take the opportunity to talk about his strategy for guitar shows and the state of the boutique guitar market worldwide. Jon Sullivan

Sully Guitars, interview with the American guitar builder at NAMM

It was within the Boutique Guitar Showcase area that I discovered the works from Jon Sullivan from Sully Guitars ( during the NAMM 2024. Here is the American boutique guitar builder in an interview and a visit of his guitars. Jon Sullivan interview Until the next interview or gear review, keep on playing the guitar!

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NAMM 2024, Report & Interviews: Day 2

Friday was another busy day at NAMM, with 6 interviews and a few kilometers covered in the aisles of the Anaheim Convention Center. Interviews of the day Reports: Day 0 / Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 NAMM 2024, Day 2 Until the next interview or gear review, keep on