At the risk of surprising more than one, this 7th NAMM for The Guitar Channel was really the best since I cover this event. Obviously, I didn't miss the exhibitors who were not present (40% less than in 2020).
It must be said that the basement, closed this year, is largely filled with Chinese exhibitors who come to show spare parts, sound systems, lighting that have no interest for me.
Another factor, more positive this one: the exhibitors who were there really wanted to be there and this was felt in the very festive atmosphere.
My NAMM in figures
- 18 interviews on Friday
- 14 interviews on Saturday
- 8 interviews on Sunday
- 40 interviews on the whole show
- 4 reports posted the same evening
- 6 other post-NAMM interviews
- 5 guitar stores
- 2 studios visited, EastWest Studio and The Bakery (thanks Blue Cat Audio for the opportunity!)
- 1 factory visited, the new Boutique Amp Distribution (Friedman, Soldano, Tone King, etc.)
- 1 boutique amp factory: Bat Cat Amps
- 1 luthier's workshop visited, Isaac Jang's in the Alhambra district
- 1 phenomenal musician interviewed at his place, guitar in hand: Allen Hinds!
- Hundreds of kilometers travelled in all Los Angeles
And above all, a very large number of contacts,
new or old, seen during or after NAMM
NAMM 2022 zapping
Photo album of the people met during the NAMM

The video reports of the NAMM
NAMM 2002 gear photo album

NAMM 2022 interviewees
- Ryan Burke from 60 Cycle Hum
- Evan Gluck
- Rhett Shull
- Paul Lairat
- Pierre Camilleri from Cortex
- Olivier Scoazec from Black Volt
- Giovanni Loria from Black Volt
- Kari de Versoul
- Brice et Julien from Wild Custom
- Guillaume Pille from Two Notes
- Isaac Jang
- Tyler from LHT Guitars
- Avishai Shabbat
- Guillaume Jeulin from Blue Cat Audio
- Pete Thorn
- Jano from DSM & Humboldt
- Peter Arend from Bad Cat Amps
- Benjamin Guillet
- Andy Powers from Taylor Guitars
- Csaba Bedenek de Fibenare
- Matt Eich from Mule Resonator
- Thomas Blug with Pete Thorn!
- Kevin Proctor from Iconic Guitars
- Bruno Bacci from Bacci Guitars
- Robin from Verso Instruments
- Max Spohn
- Diego from Villa Guitars
- Jay Leonard J
- Victor Lee
- Nathaniel Murphy
- Jérome Brunet
- Gene Baker
- Franck and David from Arobas Music
- Knarf from Les Sondiers
- Mini debrief with Guillaume Pille
- William Raynaud from Iconic Guitars
- Jamie Gale from the Boutique Guitar Showcase
- Bryan Galloup
- Guillaume Jeulin
- Christian Hatstatt
Post-NAMM interviews
- Allen Hinds
- Ben from the LA Vintage Gear store
- Dave Friedman
- John Thompson from Bad Cat Amps
- Isaac Jang
- Eric Boulanger from The Bakery
Post-NAMM photo album

All these facts allow me to say that this NAMM 2022 as well as the stay afterwards were the best Californian campaign since my first trip to California for The Guitar Channel in 2015.
Of course, given the geopolitical context and the post-pandemic effect, the cost of this trip is also the highest with a budget a little over €3 000. Nevertheless, when compared to the number of videos that will be produced in total (more than 50), it was an ultra productive stay.
The same goes for the contacts that were numerous, intense and rich in perspectives for the future.
In conclusion, I am more than happy to have taken the gamble of organizing this American trip.
Note that all the exhibitors I was able to discuss with share the same opinion as me, whether it is for the few French companies present or the others I met during the show.
See you April 13-15 for NAMM 2023!
Pierre Journel.