The Guitar Channel showroom is dream come true for guitar players! The principle is simple: to provide paying subscribers of The Guitar Channel a place in Paris to try the top level guitar gear provided by the pros partners as well as the equipment of The Guitar Channel.
Why a showroom?
- To try top level guitar gear
- To organize meetings with pro partners
- To organize the online masterclasses and live broadcast
- To record videos of gear reviews and Guitar in Hand interviews for The Guitar Channel
How to access the showroom
Two possibilities to come to the showroom for a one hour slot:
- Being an active paying subscriber
- Being recommended by one of the pro partners to try their gear
if you are a paying subscriber, hit me by mail and we will setup an appointment so you can come to the showroom.
Not yet a paying subscriber?
Here's the link to subscribe
The Guitar Channel members in the showroom
Barely open, the showroom already had some visitors like Paul and Benjamin:
Kelts Amplification private showcase at the showroom
An example of an event recently held in the showroom: the wizard of the amps Thierry Labrouze, designer and manufacturer of Kelt amps was in Paris with his amps. We therefore organized a meeting during which members were able to try the amps and discuss with Thierry.
You want to showcase your gear in the showroom?
Become a Pro Partner
Exposing in the Backstage showroom is one of the advantages of the pro partnership. For the builders who do not have a distribution point in Paris or who wants to try the stuff in a non-commercial setting (there are no sales made in the showroom), the showroom is a very effective promotional tool since it allows to test its material in good conditions.
You want to access the showroom?
Join the club
The Guitar Channel Pro Partners