In the previous article dedicated to Frankenstrat Project, I showed you some pictures where you could see the boards that were to be used by Denis from EG Solidbody to machine the body.
Here are the following steps until the final body and neck.
As a reminder, the purpose of the project is to build a replica as accurate as possible (except for the famous black and white stripes) of the Edward Van Halen guitar that can be seen on the cover of their first album. All the details are in the first article of the series.
Ash planks glued in which the body will be machined:
The back of the guitar with the hole for the vintage vibrato provided by Hantug Custom Guitars & Parts :
The body being machined for the pickups and electronic routes :
NOW it's starting to look like a Strat shape ! Look at the wood grain on this ! Gorgeous :
Here's the finished body and neck. What do you think of the wood grain ? Pretty nice huh
For your information I chose to have the three pickup holes even though the first version of the Frankenstrat had only one humbucker. If I ever change it to make it look like the latter version of the guitar, the body is ready for it.
Furthermore, having those pickup holes removes some more wood which may contribute to reduce a bit the final weight of the body as Ash is a wood species which is generally quite dense.
A big thank you to Denis Souvray from EG Solidbody for all the photos and for a great job on a gorgeous piece of wood.
I look forward to receiving the body and neck to proceed to the next step whichis to bring everything to Patrick Querleux for the preparation of the body, paint, final adjustment and assembly.
Can't wait to play the final product !