NAMM 2016 Day 2: the big day! This is the key date for the show as it's the best time to do business before the Tsunami of people and decibels during the upcoming week-end. Doing an interview with Andy Timmons was definitely the big highlight of the day.
Interviews of the day
- David Packouz - CEO of BeatBuddy, a very cool drum machine pedal
- Andy Timmons - The fabulous guitar players with the magic touch, a super nice guy to interview
- Paul Reed Smith - Always leading PRS Guitars
- Gref Renoff - Author of the Van Halen Rising book about the Van Halen debut
- Johnny Beane - A long time contact on Twitter who is an expert on all Eddie Van Halen related stuff
- Mik Moreno - A Jazz musician highly recommended by Bruno Pelletier-Bacquaert (my official Jazz advisor)
- Brian Wampler - The big sorcerer behind the pedals from
NAMM 2016 Day 2 - Photo selection
Here are a few pics from the hundreds photos available to the Backstage Pass owners on the private community.
This guitar by luthier Saul Koll (interviewed during the NAMM 2015) looks awesome!
A Minarik guitar, a bit on the heavy side as per the decoration.
The back of the Steampunk inspired guitar by Wild Custom
A UFO kind of bass or guitar or guitarbass from Claas.
Get your Backstage Pass to access the full album!
Live update
To get all the live update, here are the different channels:
- Snapchat : pierrejournel
- Instagram : @theguitarchnnl
- Twitter : @theguitarchnnl
Snapchat Story of the day
Until the next article about the NAMM, keep on playing the guitar !
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